Category Archives: to the nines tuesday

Triple Tangent To-The-Nones Tuesday

Good morning bloggy boos!! How are you?

I am a sore son-of-a-gun (daughter of a gun?) because of a KILLER spinning class last night. I have been hooked for two years and it is never going to end people, it is just something to accept.

So, since it is Tangent Tuesday, here are some randoms about me. Enjoyyyy:)

  1. This song has been stuck in my head all. day. I am one of the nicest people you will ever meet (WOAH ego, watch out there!), but seriously, I can’t tell if this girl is trying to be funny or if she thinks she is really good. Okay that is the meanest you will ever see me. Don’t worry the worst is over:)
    Oh lawd.

    Want to hear more about the great debate? Clickety click on over to these:

  2. I always HAVE to be eating something when I am sitting. Whether it be during schoolwork or watching a movie, I always have to be munching on something or I will not be able to sit still/focus. I used to chew a lot of gum but then I realized it just made me really hungry so that was semi-counterproductive.

    THANK YOU carrots (carrot balls) and every veggie/fruit on the planet for allowing me to munch on you at odd times of the night when I really should be sleeping instead of studying.

    Except I am a grandma and go to bed at 9 basically so that was a false statement. Ignore that, and change it to every waking hour of the day. That is why I pack so much food for school every day (besides my raging appetite). I cannot focus in class so I pack munchables. Problem = solved.

  3. I am only allowed to watch Jersey Shore when I am working out or doing something productive, like eating folding socks. Why did I make this rule for myself? a. We don’t have cable, and b. I figure trash TV counts as negative points, so then might as well fix it with some good deeds aka a sweat sesh (my gym has EVERY CHANNEL ever) or doing something for the fam. It’s all about sacrifices, people.

    Ob. sessed. My recent fave quote? “What a shady b****”. Okay Vinny you are a jerko but sometimes you are really funny:)

  4. I cannot for the life of me remember my voicemail password. I have tried every single number combination in my memory it is obviously an error on Verizon’s part.

    Any suggestions?! Please and thank you:)


So I am calling it To-The-Nones Tuesday because I am not To-The-Nines today. I am rockin the yoga pants/juicy hoodie look because I have senioritis and I don’t like to put too much effort into my appearance.

Roll out of bed, eat, repeat!

Here is a recycled photograph FYE:)

See you tomorrow loves!! Have a rockintastic Tuesday:)

What do you think of Rebecca Black’s debut video?

Hahahahhaha. That is all I have to say about that:)


“I wanna snuggle.” Love you Dreena.

Tell me some random/crazy/weird things about you!!




Filed under Rants, Tangent Tuesday, to the nines tuesday, Uncategorized