Tag Archives: Cookie Dough in a Bowl

Don’t You Want Me? + Vermont Food!

Hi love doves!! How are you?

I am not going to lie, I am rather sleepy and on a slight raisin burnout. I do not know how it happened, I am freaking out basically so I am laying off the raisins for the day. Tomorrow I will be back to my raisin-inhaling tendencies.

Yesterday I got home from Vermont and hit up the produce section of Weggie’s, and then put together a salad, quinoa, and some cinnamon-raisin socca that was a giant FAIL. Totally fine though, at least it tasted good:) Expect a recipe coming your way soon!

Pee ess (ew never typing that again), be sure to send in your Mission: I Feel Pretty pictures!! I am going to do a post soon with some of the ones I have received recently so don’t wait!

Slash I LOVED hearing about all of your addictions! (but not to drugs, thank goodness!) You can hear about my latest one here🙂 Oh and that is also where you can see hilarious pictures of me, myself, and I as well as some randoms I found around Burlington. Have a looksky!

Anywhos, the title is because I am OBSESSED with Glee. Like, it’s unhealthy. Just watch this video and try to tell me you are not obsessed too.

I have said this a million times and I will say it again. I AM MARRYING BLAINE he is so gorgeous, I will turn him from gay to straight, he can serenade me every night:) Will you all come to our wedding and bring me a Vitamix present?


Lock me up and throw away the keyyyyy:) I would die for one of these babies! I told the Padre I would not mind getting one as a graduation present:)

Okay, now onto the Vermont food! Get ready to lick the screen.


Burlington Food:

Dinner on Thursday was had at Zebby & Elf’s Stone Soup.


We walked in to the smells of yummy deliciousness, happy customers, vibrant owners, and delicious baked goodies🙂


The atmosphere was nothing short of warm and friendly. I could have eaten every meal of my life here!

The food consisted of a serve-your-own hot bar and salad bar. Below is the salad bar, I forgot a picture of the hot bar:(


The Padre loaded up on tons of food, as per usual, and ordered a giant tuna sandwich to go with this plate full.


This is one of those times I was a man and could eat millions of foot long subs and never be full. It is fine though my tummy never gets sick of almond butter:)

My plate consisted of greens, veg, steamed kale, sweet potatoes, sunflower seeds, falafel casserole (ohhhmaigawd, to DIE for), and completely covered in balsamic (I know I am cheating).


Owner Zebby doubted my ability to eat this whole thing, but by George, I did it! He should come see everything I eat in a day, somehow my tiny little self is able to eat ginormous portions of anything and everything. I have been dubbed as the “bottomless pit” among my friends;)

Bee tee dubs, Zebby was a riot, and happens to have grown up in my home town! What a small world:)

Then we walked through the Church Street Market, which is still donning gorgeous Christmas lights!


Please note that this was pre-blizzard. More on that later.

Friday Breakfast:

Breakfast on Friday was had in the hotel room, which was complete with a full kitchen, two TV’s (with cable! I was in heaven), and a hugh jass bathroom and king bed and bedroom. Lurve:)


Perfect for the crazykins in me that brought my whole fridge from home. No big. Come on people, it would NOT be realistic for me to go out and buy some food every single time I need to eat (which is like every two hours basically).

The bowls in the cupboard were too small for my cookie dough so I used a mixing bowl.


In case you couldn’t tell, I dig the whole orangey thing that “color boost” in Live Writer does. At least I look tanner:)


Whaddup gangstaaaaz. Topped with bluebs, rasps, and tons of coconut. More was sprinkled after all the berries were mixed in. Please ignore the fact that it looks like there is poop in the bowl mmk.

Friday Lunch:

Lunch was had at the University Marche on UVM campus, and enjoyed with Lauren from RunYogaRepeat! She was such a sweetheart, and answered all of my questions about UVM! Oh and obviously we talked about everything from green smoothies to boyfriends.

Isn’t she adorable?!


She had a yummy deliciousness noodle bowl that I wish I knew the name of (it was vegan), and I noshed on a Butternut Squash-Leek Soup and a salad con garbanzo beans and almonds.



Clearly taken once I was almost done and realized we were too caught up in talking to actually take pictures of things. Like our food:)

Not going to lie, this was not very satisfying! If you lived with me you would marvel at how much I eat in a day. I went back to the hotel room and ate a giant quinoa-lentil-raisin-balsamic bowl. It was glorious.

Tummy = satisfied🙂

Unfortunately, the animal-free options at the caf were not many, but that is not TOO big of a deal since I am planning on buying and preparing all of my own food next year.


Friday Dinner:

For those of you that guessed I got sushi/Asian food, you were right!

Dinner was had at Asiana Noodle House, and it was delicious. I think I died and went to heaven. But not before I had issues separating my chopsticks.


Please tell me why I am so hot.

Then we drank ginger tea, and BOY does that stuff clear your nostrils!


In mah face.


MUCH better:)

Then our food came!

I ordered the Vegan Chirashi (Shitake Mushroom, Sweet potato, Seaweed, Oshinko, Kampyo, Tofu, Yamagobo, Asparagus ,Wakame, Spinach, Avocado, Cucumber and Tofu skin), with brown rice and a side of steamed veg.


I am not going to lie, I was very confused when they brought this giant bowl out to me.

Where was my sushi?!

Apparently I need more education in ethnic food, because the rice was on zee bottom.


This was so pretty though, I could barely bring myself to eat it! Isn’t it absolutely gorgeous?!


It was delicious, nutritious, and way satisfying. Full, happy belly🙂

Padre ordered Crab Rolls in rice netting, which looks SO cool I am not going to lie. And he also got the Seafood Salad:


The Baby Sister and mi Madre ordered noodle bowls with buckwheat soba noodles, lemon dressing, and tofu. Sorry buddies no picture!

Then we stomped around a bit more and did some window shopping. Look out for the birthday pwesent post that I mentioned earlier🙂

Sisters in the snow:


Church Street Market!




AHHH absolutely gowagous!

p.s. See the store “Kiss the Cook” on the right?! Yeah I spent all night there basically it’s fine. Oh and looking at wellies🙂

That’s all for this morning chickadees! I’m off to church, then hitting up the gym and getting some homework done.

It is the last day of February break! I will be very sad to see it go, and not so happy to be waking up at 5:30 again every morning. It went by WAY too quickly!

See you tomorrow dolls!

What is your favorite kind of ethnic food?

I would have to say Mediterranean food. There is a local place that I could eat at every. single. night. Come visit me and we will go there mmk:)

What are your favorite salad toppings? Please tell! I need some new ideas:)

I usually roll with red pepper, tomatoes, carrots, cukes, green beans, broc, balsamic, sunflower seeds, hemp seeds, hummus, beans, quinoa, what have you! Lately I am especially digging chopped red onion:)

Have you sent in your Mission: I Feel Pretty picture yet?! If not, get on that!

Imeannn, I just strongly suggest it;)




Filed under Gluten-Free, Rants, Recipes, Restaurants, Vegan

Eeples and Baneenies: DC Food

Did you ever learn that song when you were a kiddo? I still have it memorized! I like to oat, oat, oat, oples and banonos…


Anywho, how are you?! I had an awesome hump day, and I loved hearing about all of your favorite road trip foods and activities! I will be sure to keep them in mind for today’s road trip to Vermont:)

Bee tee dubs if you are in the Burlington area, I would love dining suggestions! Always welcome:) Shoot me an e-mail at chefkatelynblog@gmail.com.

I spent my Wednesday with my bestie Sarah eating hummus-raisin-quinoa balsamic bowls (yes I got her to try them and she loved), and watching Get Him to the Greek.

So funny, we actually peed and laughed ourselves silly during this entire movie, go rent it if you have not seen it, you will DIE.


Then we watched every episode of Glee ever made and said we were both going to marry Blaine and Puck and Sam…or a combination of all three.

Them combined would be the perfect man:

Tall, dark, and handsome with an amazing voice and amazing hair and an amazingly beautiful but huge mouth:)

Then she left and I packed food forever for the road trip and read blogs for the first time since the weekend. Oh and ate more hummus and raisins.

And now I am blogging and it is WAY too late at night, aka past my bedtime and we are leaving bright and early tomorrow morning, so I will leave you to your drooling at the pictures of my DC eats:)


Okay, onto Part II of my trip with the Padre! The FOOD:)

Can I just say that Washington DC food is amazing. I have been there a million times before, but this is my first time as a veg and it was spectacular. I obviously brought tons of food with me (Lara’s, the rest of the Raw Chocolate Fudge Cake,  veg, fruit, salad dressing, quinoa, beans, sunflower + hemp + pumpkin seeds), but no raisins.


I literally did the cliché slap-to-the-forehead UGH I am such an idiot move. People, it is honestly a feat of bravery/courage/strength/stamina that I went two whole days without raisins.

If it weren’t for my genius, loving, amazing Dad who was way smarter than me and brought some dried fruit (see above container of prunes), I might have shriveled up and died right there. No fear dearies, Padre to the rescue!

Don’t worry, I am still alive.


Dinner on night #1 was at Café Green.

The atmostphere was gorgeous. Very modern, clean, comfortable, and a few of the tables  were couches/lounge chairs around a small table, making it a great place to get together with friends.


Excuse the poor lighting, I was not about to use flash when taking a picture of the area behind me, might have looked a tad creepy, no?:)

Padre scanning the menu.


The only portion of the menu I ordered from:)

Salads and raw food. SO GOOD.


Our first course was the Seaweed Salad (A mix of marinated sea vegetables tossed in a sweet soy dressing and topped with cucumber, carrot, bell peppers and onion).


This was delicious, and certainly a nice change from more typical spinach/mixed greens salads:)


It was chewy (not in a gross way), and had a wonderful flavor that was brought out well by the dressing and sesame seeds.

Next were our entrées!

I ordered the Raw Venetian Pizza (An entirely raw pizza layered with cashew cheese, Roma tomato spread, mushroom, bell peppers and fresh basil all on our raw sunflower-flax crust) with Kale Chips on the side.


Or if you don’t mind the harshness of the flash (yes, I dared), here is a clearer one for ya:)


This baby was delicious, nutritious, and packed a serious punch! I loved the crust, and especially the cashew cheese. I have never met a cashew cheese I didn’t like!

And HOLY MOSES, why have I never had kale chips before?! I am making these ASAP in my oven, do any of you have or know of an oven kale chip recipe that I could take for a spin? If so, copy and paste it into a comment and I will try it out!

They were so good, cheezy, and reminded me of healthier Cheez-Its:) I used to eat those babies like they were going out of business before I was veg! Let’s just say it all went to my booty.

Padre ordered the Raw California Pizza (Our raw sunflower-flax crust with cashew cheese, Roma tomato spread and fresh guacamole, topped with tomato, cucumber, carrot, onion and peppers) with Kale Chips, but no guac:( They were all out! It’s okay, I got my avocado fix later on.


Needless to say, he loved it:) And he also loved the seaweed salad, and is willing to splurge on some seaweed to eat at home! Love my Padre ❤


We each had a piece of each others’ pizzas (came with four each), and I loved both! There was not a huge difference between the two, besides the toppings.

Even though we were sufficiently stuffed, there is always room for dessert!

We chose the Raw Lemon Cheesecake (Our agave-sweetened cheesecakes use a cashew-almond-coconut base) to split, since we didn’t have much room left.


It was perfect. Creamy, cool, and with a perfect touch of lemon. This fugly picture cannot do it justice!

It was all gone in two seconds flat.

Stuffed stomachs who? See, our philosophy is that you don’t have to leave room, you have to make room🙂

Lunch and Dinner:

Lunch on Monday was eaten at Leo’s (the dining hall on Georgetown University campus). I got yelled at, twice, for getting more toppings from my salad. Um, did I not spend $12 for an “all you can eat” buffet? Um yeah, I will eat ALL that I can eat, mmk?

It went unphotographed since I did not want to get yelled at yet again (the dining service workers are on strike, they were already pissed basically).

BUT, dinner was grabbed after our second college visit of the day at George Washington University. We were hungry, it was raining, we wanted to go to bed. We grabbed a taxi and stopped at Sweetgreen for a quickie dinner.


Spinach, mixed greens, broc, peppers, onions (I LOVE ONIONS), carrot, cucumber, broc, chickpeas, quinoa, and sunflower seeds. Topped with lemon and olive oil.

Is anyone else ever disappointed at the teeny tiny size of salads from restaurants? This was teeny weeny! I added more quinoa, beans, and sunflower seeds when I got back to the hotel room. This sucker was NOT big enough to fill up my belly!


Sweetlife: Sharing. Happiness never decreases by being shared.

Words to live by ❤


Breakfast the next morning was had at Le Pain Quotidien!

I had the Organic Steel Cut Oats along with a cup of berries.


As soon as I snapped this picture, I took a bite and then stirred in my Cookie Dough Bowl dry mixture, sans the uncooked grains: Vega Vanilla Sport Protein, maca, acai, chia seeds, and ground flax seeds.

Padre had the Harvest Farro Cereal, but I forgot to take a picture; I was too busy eating:)

Then we hit the road, made fun of other drivers a bit more, compared driving skills, and jammed to some more iPod goodies. We came home and hit the gym, and I cranked out this spinning workout.

Sweaty bliss:)

Then I watched Glee and absolutely peed myself. Okay not really, but did anyone else fall head over heels in love with that episode?! I am marrying Blaine and every single Glee character, I would go mechanical bull riding with Mr. Shue any day. Imeann……..blame it on the a-a-a-a-alcohol.

Have a great Thursday lovelies! By the time you read this, I will be on the road en route to Vermont! See you from the Green Mountains love doves:)

Do you love raisins as much as I do?

Please say yes, we can go to Raisins Anonymous meetings together:)

What has been your favorite city/town/country to eat out in?

Definitely DC. Except maybe NYC, but I have not been able to check out the veg options there yet!

What was your favorite meal at a restaurant you have ever had?

This pizza tops the list, but I would have to say the Lentil Burger at the Owl House was so. freaking. good. I need to get there recipe, or steal it is more like it.




Filed under Gluten-Free, Rants, Restaurants, Vegan, Workouts

It Snowed on my Cookie Dough + Raw Chocolate Fudge Cake!

Good morning friends!! How are you?

I hope your Sattyday was glorious🙂

Mine was spent eating everything in sight (I was so hungry, I swear to goodness it is ALWAYS my time of the month), watching Hulu, and gymming it up with a sweaty 60 minutes on the elliptical.

I was so sore from my run with the Padre! Running outside is NOT the same as running outside, especially when the wind is blowing so hard it is going up your nose sideways🙂

My Sattyday started with a glorious Cookie Dough Bowl, con a tablespoon of raw cacao, a teaspoon of acai, chia seeds, and flax meal..oh and tons of coconut, it was snowing outside (BOOOOO!), therefore it snowed on my cookie dough.

If I tried to Latin-ify that, it would go something like “It snowed outside, ergo my cookie dough was snowed upon.” <– See what I did there?? I am a genius I tell you, that whole year of Latin I took really did the trick:)


Have you ever had coconut on your morning cereal, it is so good, I think this is going to have to happen every single morning. Some of you may think I am crazy for being late on the coconut train, but I used to hate the stuff (do not ask me why, I could not tell you). This stuff is delicious.


SNOW:) Love it on my cookie dough, but I could do without it on my grassy green lawn that is now wet, brown, dead, and covered in slushy white “snow”. I am saying it as “snow” because Upstate New York weather means it is never fluffy snow, it is either slushy or frozen.

If any of you are interested in a tropical vacation where it is warm and sunny and there is sand, feel free to book plane tickets!!

Until then, I’ll be eating lots more of these:)



Delicious, nutritious. Gett @ m3 <— I was a gangsta rapper in a previous life


Raw Chocolate Fudge Cake:

And now the moment you have allll been waiting for!


Remember when I devoured my piece and the piece of the lady next to me?!

That was a good day🙂

Now, I have recreated that bad boy!

Feel free to drool, no shame here at CK.


It was perfect. Not to sweet, and very chocolatey. And fudgy wudgy, just the way I like it:)

I love it when the flavor of the cacao really stands out, and isn’t overpowered by sweetness!


On a Pooh plate, obvs. Gift from the ‘rents:)

Oh, wait, you wanted the recipe? My bad;)

Raw Chocolate Fudge Cake


  • 1 cup packed and pitted dates (I use Medjool)
  • 2/3 cup walnuts
  • 2/3 cup raw cacao powder (or unsweetened cocoa powder)


  1. In your food processor, process walnuts to a flour and then add dates.
  2. Process until dates have formed into a paste, and it all balls up in your food processor.
  3. Add cocoa powder and process until fully incorporated.
  4. Transfer to a container/small pie or cake pan (I used a round tupperware), flatten the top, and refrigerate overnight.
  5. Pop out, garnish, slice, and enjoy!!


Garnished with rasps and cacao nibs.



Next time I am going to use my Raw Chocolate Mousse as frosting. Which is going to be very soon, since more than half of it is already gone🙂

I would have done that this time (‘twas the plansky), but I got caught up in packing food for my trip to D.C. with the Padre! (ahhhh I am so excited!!)

You could also sub another nut for the walnuts. For a Chocolate Cookie Cake, sub cashews and add chocolate chips! I will be doing this for the Baby Sister’s birthday cake in May:)


I’m off to go have a slice of cake and finish packing! I am writing this Saturday night because Sunday morning will be busy busy!! I am hitting up the gym early in the morning with the Padre (boooo too cold to run outside!), then scarfing down breakfast and hitting the road!

As you read this I will either be shoving a Cookie Dough Bowl in my face or on the road on my way to D.C.! It is going to be a whole 70 DEGREES, I am so excited, I am going to wear shorts!! And FLIP FLOPS🙂 Guys this is a big deal, especially with the awful Upstate New York weather I deal with every single winter.

Send me some sunshine in a bottle? Please and thanks:)

Don’t forget to send in your Mission: I Feel Pretty pictures!

And, if you are in the D.C. area and would like to meet up, shoot me an e-mail! There are some D.C. bloggers that have expressed an interest already, so hopefully you could join us!:)

Have an awesome Sunday, love doves!! See you from D.C.!

Is it snowing where you are? If not, make me jealous of your sunshine!!

YES, do not remind me, if you send me some sunshine I will melt the snow here and love you forever:)

Do you like the co-co-nut? What is your favorite way to eat it? I need ideas!

So far, just on top of cookie dough, but I think I need to get creative:)

Are you a fellow fudge-lover? What’s your favorite fudgy dessert?

CAKE, and brownies!! And fudge, obviously. Can’t go wrong.




Filed under Gluten-Free, Recipes, Vegan, Workouts

Zucchini Noodles + Raw V-Day Lunch + CGB Bathroom

Good morning love doves, and Happy Valentine’s Day! How was your weekend?

Mine was fun and jam-packed, hence the name of this post, which is quite the mouthful:)

I’m so glad you chickadees loved the Indulgence Friday recipe! If you missed it, have a look and make it now, mmk?

So in the spirit of my love for all things quick-and-dirty (get your minds out of the gutter people), I am going to TRY to ramble a tad less than usual. But only a little.

Okay, number one!

Saturday Night:

Zucchini Noodles.


Quick, delicious. I don’t have a spiralizer because I am a cheapo so I used my vegetable peeler and ate the middle part that wouldn’t noodlify:).

That part I just ate like a pretzel rod…or a stick..or a microphone. I don’t know, what kinds of foods are in stick-form? (out of the gutter, people!)


Topped with Amy’s Low Sodium Marinara, nooch, and raisins obv.

Then for dessert, I whipped up a double batch of my Raw Chocolate Mousse, and it was gone by the end of the night, I think that says everything mmk.


The night was spent eating lots of that and watching Greek on Hulu. Ob. sessed.


Con banana slices, bloobs, rasps, and cacao nibs.




I woke up, made a delicious Brendan Brazier Thrive energy pudding, and then went to the gym to kick some surrious Dreadmill bootay with an easy seven-miler, it was glorious.

I am thanking lord baby Jesus right now that my hammie is no longer a-killin me. I CAN RUN AGAIN🙂

Then I came home, showered, did my makeup, did my hair, got changed, and packed my breakfast all in half an hour. I think it is safe to say I am a PRO.


That is an actual license plate that I found when I was at my lake house, I was so ecstatic jumpy umpy that I had to take a picture:)

And yes, I ate my cookie dough breakfast in church. Priorities, people.

Then I went to another raw event hosted by the lovely Damaris! It was a scrumdiddlyumptious raw Valentine’s Day lunch, and I left with the happiest belly ever in the whole world.


Course #1:


Beet It juice (beets, carrots, swiss chard, apple, and ginger) alongside the Apple Curry Salad in a Collard Wrap (apple, carrots, celery, avocado, tomato, cucumber, sunflower seeds, raisins in an orange curry sauce) and a Carrot, Beet, Raisin salad.


This was to. die. Give me anything with sunflower seeds and raisins and I will love you forever.


Devoured and sufficiently made a giant mess out of. I am a messy eater🙂


Course #2:


Almond Ginger Nori Roll (almonds, ginger, marinated veggies in Tamari (wheat-free soy sauce), garlic, miso, spinach, avocado, sprouts).


Beautiful, delicious. I absolutely hated it;)


I told you I’m a messy eater!

If you don’t believe me my sister took a picture, don’t look at my face I look icky that is not my good side.


I am sorry you had to see that. But let’s be honest you guys love pictures of me stuffing my face🙂

Then came DESSERT!

Course #3

Raspberry Ganache Cake and Strawberry Macaroons.


Words cannot even express. Why have I not had raw macaroons sooner?! These were so good, I usually am not a big fan of the co-co-nut, but these turned me from a coco hater to a coco LOVA.

So freaking good, it was like a strawberry milkshake on crack but better because it is solid.

And this Raspberry Ganache Cake…can I just say my life has been changed forever. This was the most delicious, rich, and perfectly chocolatey cake I have ever had.

Perfectly sweet, and perfectly bitter.

Fudgy, thick, and scrumdiddlyumptious. I swear she put crack in this cake, the lady next to me couldn’t finish hers so I finished it for her:)


I am recreating this cake for next weekend’s Indulgence Friday, so get excited:)


CGB Bathroom:

Okay the bathroom at the brunchy brunch was creepy, ghetto, and in a basement. Hence, CGB.


Have you ever seen the Blair Witch Project? You should. The corner the guy stands in at the end…yeah, this basement looked exactly like the house. I swear to bejeezus it was filmed here.

Normally this would freak the sugar out of people, but instead I was basically hopping up and down as Sacha was warning me about the creep factor.

Little did she know, I am a crazyins and this was like Christmas Morning. I am a sucker for crazy stuff.


Yesterday’s Look:

Then, I came home and whooped some schoolwork, then headed off to a new youth group with my sister, and it was so. much. fun. These people are as crazykins as I am, so you can imagine how skipdiddlydoo happy I was.

One kid hugs everyone, gave me candy, and counted the number of colors on my shirt with me.

By the way, yesterday’s outfit was ADORABLE, but I was too busy eating at the lunch to get a picture of myself besides the one of me stuffing my face, so here is a mirror shot:


Everything is from Forever21, I am obsessed. It is all cheap and cute, aka the perfect place for a cheapo like me🙂

Then I came home and ate food bigger than my house, and watched the Grammys. Did anyone else giggle when they saw Lady Gaga’s outfit? I did:)

Go wish Janae a Happy Late Birthday!! She got a crazy hot treadmill, one day I will find a man that will buy me awesome toys like that.

If you happen to find one, feel free to forward him over to chefkatelynsmanofherdreamssweepstakes@valentinefinder.com. Please and thanks:)

That’s all for today lovies! Have a rockin’ Valentine’s Day, whether you’re single and mingling (like me) or spending time with your significant other🙂

I leave you with this, my friends:


Hahahhaha. Kaybye:)

How are celebrating Valentine’s Day? Or if you hate Valentine’s Day, tell me why you absolutely hate it and we will curse all men together:)

LUNCH, and I love Valentine’s Day, it reminds me of elementary school when we would make “mailboxes” out of shoe boxes and decorate them and get tons of valentines and candy:)

Did you watch the Grammys? Thoughts?

Yes, I am never going to see Never Say Never. Justin Bieber used to be adorable when he was still YouTube’ing and undiscovered, but now it is just toomuch. SLash I love Lady Antebellum:)

Do you eat in church too?

Yes, I cannot go more than 2 hours without food, I would start gnawing on the Bible.




Filed under Gluten-Free, Rants, Restaurants, Vegan

An Ode to Carbs

Good morning loves! Happy Hump Day! (aka, the almost best day of the week because you know that Thursday..and then Friday..is right around the corner:))

Yesterday, I told y’all about my love for carbs and how I’ve been craving them like a lady with a baby. (and no, I am not preggo)

Anyone ever think that sometimes we crave carbs because our body needs them?

Lately I’ve been hearing a lot of jank about carbs and noticing how much girls at school fear them.

And it absolutely stumps me.

I don’t know about you, but all of this fear of carbs goin’ on is making me a little annoyed.

Poor carbs! I think they could use a little pick-me-up, don’t you?

So, I thought I would write a little poem for carbs, to help them feel better.

No hatin’ on my carbs, please and thanks.

Inspired by Sir William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 116

Ode to Carbs:

Let me not to the marriage of true minds

Admit impediments. Love is not thy low-carb bar,


Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove:
O no! it is an
ever-fixed deliciousness
That looks on tempests and is never shaken;

It is the star to every wandering bark,
Whose worth’s unknown, although his height be taken.

Carbs are not Time’s fool, though low-carb diets
Within his bending sickle’s compass come:

Carbs alter not with his brief hours and weeks,
But bears it out even to the edge of doom.

If this be error and upon me proved,
   I never writ, nor no man ever ate.


So friends, I leave you with this:

Eat they carbs, and love thyself.

Carbs were given to us for a reason; Mother Nature didn’t put fruit on the trees and grains from the ground by accident!

They’re there for us to enjoy, and eat lots of.

Carbs give us the energy to function every day; without them, our brains wouldn’t function, and our muscles certainly would NOT propel us on the Dreadmill.

Just make sure that they’re whole grain and not in the form of Wonder Bread, mmk? Winking smile

Bee tee tubs, it snowed on my Cookie Dough Bowl this morning! Aka, the best kind of carbs, co-co-nutified🙂


Have an awesome Hump Day boos, and enjoy thy carbs!🙂




Filed under Rants

Three Tangent Tuesday!

Good morning bloggy boos! Hope everyone avoided a severe case of the Mondays:)

I sure did, with the help of approx. three bananas with almond butter…that’s my kind of study fuel!

Unforch, I overslept this morning, which is why I am posting later than usual. I am usually at class by now, but since eating breakfast takes me forever anyways, I am typing this as I slurp on a green smoothie and am currently staring at my giant bowl of Cookie Dough.

By the way, I am so happy that y’all are lovin on the Cookie Dough Bowls as much as I am! Keep linking back, I love seeing your lovely brekkie pictures:)

Anywho, yesterday I was feeling super sleepy (oh, the student life!), so I opted for a nap instead of a workout. It was awesome.

Then, I woke up to din din and cranked out some surrious studying. I am a studying MONSTA. I absolutely love my Droid, because I do not even have to move my butt to look something up on Wikipedia.

Lazy-loo = WIN:)

Then of course, as I was about to grab a snackety snack from the cupboard, we noticed mice poopies.


Ughhh, looks like we have a mouse problem.

Listen, I do not believe in the killing of innocent lives, but these mice have been munching on our goodies since the summer!

Micey-moos are no longer cute in my book.

No more nice Katelyn, time to bring out the big guns! (aka, glue boards with which we will catch the mice and then release them into the wilderness with their wild mice buddiesSmile)


Now to the main event!

Da da da DAAAA….it is Tangent Tuesday! (started by my girl Janae, who is having a giveaway! Now go enter in it)

Aka the day I get to ramble on and on about myself (aka, more than usual).

Then, you get to tell me random/weird/funny things about you so I feel like less of a crazykins🙂

Okie dokie, number one!

Three Tangent Tuesday

  1. I speak a completely different language with my dog. And yes, we understand each other.


    Don’t worry, she’s as crazykins as I am. Do not be fooled by her googly eyes, this pupster licks the outside of our refrigerator. I know, I don’t get her either.

  2. I do really strange things on a daily basis. Like, multiple times a day. Such as licking my plate in public places.

    What can I say, it runs in the family Smile

  3. Over the last 24 hours, I have been craving carbs like a lady with a baby. I had three bananas with almond butter, a million tostones, and two giant glumps (ew, clumps) of raisins. And more raisins before that. And more almond butter.

    ^^ Carbs

    Maybe I have immaculately conceived like the Virgin Mary? (and in case you were wondering, no I am not a skank-ho and am single and mingling so there is no way I could poss be preggo)

    I blame Mother Nature and her lovely Monthly Gift that makes me a ravenous beast once a month (aka, more of a ravenous beast than usual).

    But then again, I am not exactly complaining…I LOVE FOODSmile

  4. Since I can’t stop at three, I must tell you that I chipped my tooth last night while I was eating. Yes, I love food so much that instead of waiting for the food to actually be in my mouth, I bite down before the fork has even left. Aka, chip in my tooth the size of a fork prong.

    If anyone asks, I will call it a “battle wound” from my most favorite activity of all time, and they will think it was something BAMF-style such as deep-sea-fishing but instead it will be from eating, aka my own inside joke with myself:)

That’s all for today, munchy moos! I am late for class, and my spoon just hit the bottom of my Cookie Dough Bowl so it is time for me to go “wash my hair” since I am a lazy-loo (I am a sneakster) and skipdiddlydoo off to class!

Have you ever had a Mouse Situation?

Yes, please do not remind me. My pretzels are now no longer edible. Ugh, effing mice! (pardon my frenchy French)

Do you speak a different language with your dog/pet?

Hahaha yes, you would give me such strange looks if you heard the words I come up with.

Do you do weird things in public places?

Yes, I embrace it:)

Tell me three random/weird/funny things about you!




Filed under Rants, Uncategorized

Tangent Tuesday

Good morning lovies, and Happy Bunny Bunny Day! I hope everyone had an awesome Monday:)

Thank you all so much for your thoughtful comments on my last post! I loved hearing your stories and opinions about “supporting the troops”, whether it be through supporting someone you love, being a soldier yourself, or simply supporting the humanity of our men and women in uniform.

Additionally, I cannot be more thankful for all of you who are praying for my family. The last few months have been a trying time, which I will talk about on CK eventually, but for now needs to remain a family matter.

It warms my heart that we are in your thoughts and prayers! Please also keep Allie’s grandmother and family in your thoughts and prayers. Together, we can all get through the best of times and the worst of times! That is one of the reasons I love blogging so much, all of YOU:)

You really are the sweetest readers in the world, and I cannot even tell you how much it means to me to read your sweet comments and e-mails every day. Sorry to get all sappy on yous, but I just love you guys so much!! Let’s all have a bloggy meetup and talk about our deepest darkest secrets and eat lots of cookies and pizza and chocolate, mmmk?:)


I really wanted to blog yesterday, but I was just too busy! The start of being a second semester senior is both stressful and exciting. Preparations for and decisions about the end of the year (and next year!) are being made, and I cannot wait to get a head start on my life:)

So, now for Tangent Tuesday! My girl Janae started Three Tangent Tuesday a week or two back, and I caught on with the tradition, but today I am just going to go on a tangent instead of telling you three random things because I like to talk too much🙂

Firstly, I got this son-of-a-gunster in the mail yesterday, and I cannot put it down. Can I just say that Brendan Brazier is a genius, aka my idol, aka reading this book is going to make me super speedy:)


If you have not tried Vega products or heard about Brendan, you clearly live under a rock (just kidding…kind of) and need to go check it out now (the funk soul brotha…name that song!). He will make you an athletic MONSTA:)

Also, I started two new classes! Psychology and Law & Government.

Psych I just love, and Mr. Hiller is bomb. He has incredible dry humor that makes me want to be his best friend. Because it’s TOTALLY not weird to want to be friends with your psych teacher.

Law & Government is a riot because it is taught by my main man, DWilson. And yes, I call him DWilson. Last year, I had a serious boyfriend (a story for another day), and he would bring me to his Law & Government class on occasion to show me off and just basically be a riot (he was the “funny guy”). So, DWilson and I are tight. We chat about wisdom teeth and all things hilarious like Jersey Shore and whoopie cushions.

You know, normal stuff.

In P.E. we started our square dancing unit, which is like a BIG DEAL at our school. First of all, everyone loves it because we don’t have to change, and everyone gets super into it and wears cowboy hats and boots. At the end, there’s a square-dance-off that is televised throughout our district and people actually care about winning this thing. And no, there is no prize like a giant jar of pickles or anything.



This is really really important. So listen up.

I discovered that Cookie Dough Bowls are even better with a tablespoon of chia seeds and a tablespoon of ground flax mixed in pre-soaking (ew, soak is such an icky word!), if it is even possible to make these any better.

Well technically, you could add a bucketful of Swedish Fish and Twizzlers and chocolate chips and marshmallows and chocolate sauce, but that is only allowed on Sundays.

So, if you haven’t had one yet, I am here to inform you that you have not lived and must go mix one up right now. Yeah, right now as in get off your tooshie, missy!


That is a recycled picture because I blog too early in the morning and there is no such thing as natural light in Upstate New York.

Sorry, kiddos, you would NOT want to see one of these bowls in fluorescent lighting and all mixed up, it is not a pretty sight. But then again, fugly food always tastes the best, right?;)


Tell me three random things about you!

Feel free to rant, your comments make me smile:)

What books are you loving lately?

I need suggestions, one of my New Year’s rezzies is to read more but that is currently a fail, give me something highly entertaining and delicious:)

Tell me your stories about your senior year! Or, if you’re not out of high school, tell me about what you’re looking forward to in your senior year!

I just love being a senior, end of story. I will have to elaborate more in another post;)

Talk to you later lovlies! It’s time for me to put some real clothes on and go to psych. Have a rockin Tuesday!




Filed under Rants, Uncategorized