Tag Archives: Garmin

Figgy Smoothie.

Good evening love doves!! How are ya?

Please say sunny and dandy because surprisingly that is how it’s going in Upstate New York! I know, shocker.

IMG_4447IMG_4459 IMG_4454 IMG_4455

Oh, and I basically drooled over all of your favorite pancake recipes. I think my spring break is going to include my fair share of pancakes, don’t you? ❤

In other news, because of the sunny deliciousness weather we have been experiencing, I had to hit the pavement. It was calling my name. It was just me, the music, and Darren. So in love.

My getup was ORANGE style:


Holy cheekbones!

Darren on my left, as uge.

I pounded out a six-mile fun run, give or take 59 minutes (stoplight every two minutes, awesome). My Garmin pace was 9:54, but lord knows that the stoplights ruined my awesomesauce pace that I was ripping. Yup just used that as a verb.


Immediately after every workout, I down a recovery smoothie. Usually the recipe includes dates, banana, protein powder, dulse, xanthan gum, and EFA oil, but we were all out of dates. I KNOW I didn’t know what to do with myself…

SO I used my girl scout superpowers and got thrifty. (side note: I was never a girl scout I just like to pretend I was)

What does a girl do when she’s all out of delicious dates? She finds the next best dried fruit in her house. In my case, it was dried figs.

Say whaaaaa?!

Yup, Figgy Smoothie to the rescue!


Figgy Recovery Smoothie

Serves 1


  • 1 banana
  • 1/4 cup dried figs
  • 1 tsp. dulse flakes
  • 1 tsp. xanthan gum (optional)
  • 1 tsp. EFA oil (or other oil of choice)
  • 1 (heaping) tbsp. protein powder (I roll with Vega Vanilla Sport)
  • 2 cups water


  1. Bend, baby, blend! Enjoy in a bowl, with a spoon. Only way to go.

I went with my favorite Pooh mug. It is giant, adorable, and makes me feel like a child again:)


This recovery smoothie recipe is based on Brendan Brazier’s recovery smoothie from his book, The Thrive Diet. I’ve found that this smoothie gives my muscles the refuel they need immediately after working out (no matter how hard or easy!), and reduces soreness and cravings by a million.


So even if you didn’t just work out, you should make it anyway. Because it’s really, really good. This was one of those times when you get to the bottom of the mug and think to yourself, Wait, wasn’t there more than this before? I swear I didn’t eat all of that already..

Well guess what self, you just did.

Time for me to go make some din! Should I roll with some socca, or pizza?! Help a sista out:)

See you tomorrow boos!!

What should I roll with for dinner?

I’m really indecisive when it comes to food. I just want everything!

Favorite post-workout smoothie or snack?

This son of a gun.

What was your Thursday workout?

Six mile fun run in the sun:)




Filed under Gluten-Free, Recipes, Running, Vegan, Workouts

Love at Last Sight: Why the World Runs

Good morning chickadoodees! How are ya?

I am sleepy weepy, mainly because of the project (my Baby Book!) that caused my major lack of snoozage this weekend, but it’s totes fine because it is a-dorable. I am so excited to get it back so I can photograph it for you guys:)

Today I decided I should talk about a breakthrough I had this weekend.

So, here is my Tangent for the week:)


Like many people, I have had a “complicated” relationship with wellness. Particularly, with running.

When I first began running, it was in high school and purely for the purpose of being “skinny” like the other runners. Needless to say, I hated it. I hated how much it made me want to hurl, made my legs burn, and put me out of breath.

But, since I’ve switched to a cleaner diet, all of this has changed. Five miles is suddenly the “norm”, and it doesn’t seem that hard. I attribute my new endurance to my diet, but also to my Dad.

This weekend, I went on a run with my Dad on the canal. It was sunny, warm, and the water was sparkling. It was absolutely perfect.

I brought my new baby with me, and Padre pushed me the entire way. I told him I didn’t want to back down and walk at all, which was a big step for me. Running seven or eight miles on the treadmill is no big deal for me, but running outside is not the same thing. My body just was not ready for the outdoor runs, so when I would go with the Padre, my legs would feel stiff as tree trunks and I would have to walk a few times.

This was semi-disappointing to me, but once we got a good pace on, it became effortless. My form has changed drastically over the last few weeks, and that definitely helped. I have been following the Chi Running principles, landing on my middle/forefoot, leaning forward, and kicking my legs back. I’ve noticed a huge difference in my speed and how my joints can handle running. Patella-femural syndrome, my ASS. Ain’t got nothin’ on this girl!

We ended up doing just over seven miles, and at the end I was sprinting like it was nobody’s business. I don’t even know where the energy came from, all of a sudden my legs were propelling me so fast that the Padre was warning me not to trip:)

It felt so so good, and it was exactly what I needed. For weeks, I had been doubting myself, thinking that my knee would never get better, and that my muscles were just disagreeing with running. But, a few batches of hummus later, I finished my long run with the Padre after not running for more than a few weeks.

Brendan Stats:


In my own mind, this is not a good pace. In fact, it makes me feel kind of like a slug. But what I have to remember is after injury, it’s baby steps at a time Smile


Then on Sunday, the Baby Sister wanted to go to the gymmy gym gym, so she used the machines indoors while I basked in the sunshine and ran along the canal. It was so sunny delicious gorgeous bloggies, you would have peed.

In my mind I promised myself to wait at least a mile before I looked at my pace and when I finally did, I almost cried. I have not gone faster than a nine minute mile (outdoors, on my own) in um, ages.


After I saw that number, this hugh jass smile got plastered on my face and didn’t leave. I just soaked in the sun, the water, the grass, the fields, everything. Soon enough, my eyes were tearing up. This wasn’t the first time, but it was different.

I realized what I have been looking for this whole time. I’ve caught glimpses of it, but not until that moment did I really feel it.

I fell in love with running.

Not the legs or abs that comes with it, but the joy of propelling myself underneath the sunshine, and seeing all of the beautiful things around me. The scenery seemed to be so much more beautiful in my little sneaker-endorphine world.

I realized, that’s why the world runs. Because it gives us joy, it makes us strong, and it makes us appreciate the world and the people around us. When we hit the pavement, we are becoming closer to the Earth. I don’t care how many gadgets and gazoos you carry around when you’re running, but you’re becoming better friends with Mother Nature.

It’s a circle of appreciation that makes gives me so much joy to say that I will be running my first Half Marathon on July 23rd, 2011. A week later, I will be turning eighteen.

Here’s to a lifetime of joy 🙂



Workout Song of the Day:

Rolling in the Deep by Adele. Love. her.


  1. Have you ever had a breakthrough?

  2. Why do you run?

  3. Tell me about your relationship with running, diet, or fitness!


Filed under Rants, Running, Tangent Tuesday, Workouts

Indulgence Friday Fathoms!

Good morning chickadees, and happy Indulgence Friday! How are you?

Today I am starting a new tradition on the bloggity blog, Friday Fathoms. It is the day where I will wonder about all of the things (okay some of the things) that I fathom/wonder about.

Because honestly I ask a lot of questions in my head that never get answered. Feel free to continue the tradition on your blog or leave some fathoms in the comments:)

(p.s. If you haven’t entered in my giveaway yet…do it now before it is too late!Smile)


Friday Fathoms:

I went to bed at nine last night..who am I?

I am all nose-stuffy and eye-itchy, ughhhh allergies, why do you do this to me?

Will you be my friend on DailyMile? (now we can be workout buddies!)


Why was Mama Hall the most amazingly brilliant Lit teacher, and gave us a Hamlet Test with quotes that actually matter? (thank you Mama Hall, I think I kicked bootay)

<– Hahaha

Why is it that Mother Nature has decided to bring back ice, cold, and snow?


Why is it that as soon as I get my new baby, the weather decides it’s time for PMS?

Why is Kenneth Branaugh the best Hamlet I have ever seen, and really hot in a weird way?

What is the true whole number thingy of Pi? (don’t you dare tell me to Google it..I want to see how smart you guys areSmile)


Why are cookie dough bowls so delicious and satisfyingly perfect first thing in the morning? Or any time of the day for that matter?

Which book should I read next? (Hamlet has been tackled. Success)

Why is Chels always right? Slash why am I such a lazy-loo and don’t clean my water bottle enough? (bee tee dubs it is currently in zee dishwasher)

Have you entered in my giveaway yet? You should. The entries are  just rollllling in!


How will I be celebrating Indulgence Friday? It may have to do with the oven, two very ripe bananas, and flour all over my face. Oh and I’ll be going out to din din. Any guess at what kind of food?:)

More importantly, how will you be celebrating Indulgence Friday?

Tell me some fathoms of yours!

That’s all for today loves:) See you tomorrow with a tasty recipe!




Filed under Friday Fathoms, Indulgence Friday, Rants

New Baby #2

Good morning bloggy boos! How are you?

Thank you for all of your favorite juicing combinations!! And for the congratulations on my first new baby of the week🙂 She has become a he, and been affectionally named Darren. Lisa, you know me too well:)

Also, I am so glad you guys are gaga for Bressert Kale Chips! There will be more variations this weekend, just you wait:)

Sorry about the absence over the last couple of days:( Being a senior can do that to ya. It’s a bit of senioritis (which the Padre understands, and responded to with, “It’s like running a marathon, sometimes you gotta take a break for a week” <—Love him) and a bit of the fact that I am hearing from a couple of my schools this weekend and the rest by April 1st.

Holy man.

I should be more nervous than I am, most likely, but I think it is good that I’m relaxed about this. What’s the point in worrying when it’s out of my hands, you know?

But anyways.

Yesterday I got a little present from the UPS guy.


Well, more like a present from myself, to myself. Awe, Katelyn, you shouldn’t have;)

We should all feel loved (especially by ourselves!) sometimes. Okay all the time, cause honeybunches you are a pile of lovebunch. To get serious for a moment, just remember that your family, friends, and bloggy boos love you times a million. If you are struggling with loving yourself, don’t hesitate to shoot me an e-mail🙂 That is all for the seriousness. Back to business.

I bought myself a Garmin.


Why? a. I cannot run outside without knowing how fast/far I am going, or I just get disoriented and feel super slow (way diff than a treadmill) and b. This will make my half marathon training (and future marathon training) a lot more effective. The best part is you can plan your workouts on the computer, and upload them to your watch. It beeps at every interval/pace/etc., which rocks my socks. Love you new workout buddy:)

I purchased this on Amazon last week for $127. Not a joke. So if you bought one for full price, you might as well be kicking yourself in the pants right now.

I am in love. This watch will be my fifth appendage for the rest of my life.


Any name suggestions? I am thinking this one should be Brendan after Brendan Brazier, so I can channel his inner beast.


^^Just TRY and tell me that picture doesn’ t make your brain hurt a little.

Obviously as soon as my new toy came, I had to hit the pavement. The Padre asked if I wanted to go running with him, so obvs I jumped right on that. What’s a better way to try out my new toy than to get my butt kicked by my marathoner Dad? That’s right, nothing.

So, I got my game face on..


And kicked some asphalt.

p.s. Doesn’t it look like I photoshopped myself into that picture? I’m floating basically.


Roughly five and a half miles, including approx two miles of walking because my knee began to hurt. No injuries around here people, we are all about prevention! I am not going to get an ouchy knee right when I get my brand new toy, oh no I am running in the ice and snow no matter what (by the way Mother Nature I am not happy with you, why did you take away our sunshine?!).

When I got home, I had a quick smoothie and then went to my doctor’s checkup, running clothes, Garmin, and all. I’m pretty sure they appreciated it:)

Then I came home and had some goodies. I am pretty sure my stomach is bottomless. So, I had breakfast for dinner (aka Brinner). You crave what you crave, people!


A Cookie Dough Bowl con bananas, carrots on the side. Addiction.

And some Kelp Noodles! I recently found these at Weggies, and basically peed my pants. Even our health food superstore in town doesn’t have these. I am impressed once again:) (bee tee dubs we could still use a Whole Foods or TJ’s around here!)


These are so. good. Crunchy, mild flavor (takes on the flavor of whatever you put them in), and so refreshing. A+!

I enjoyed them with some marinara and nooch, as well as on my salads. I am not going to show you pictures because it looks fugly, but isn’t fugly food the most delicious?:)

That is all for today chickadees! See you tomorrow:)

Do you have a Garmin? Any tips/name suggestions?

We should make a Garmin club and all go running togeths. Running party at my place, mmk?!

Seasoned runners: any tips for running in general and training?

Fill me in, love doves!

Favorite new food finds?

Kelp noodles:) I am always up for a new product! (as long as I can pronounce the ingredients, and there are as few as poss. No HFCS for this girl.)




Filed under Running, Workouts