Indulgence Friday Fathoms!

Good morning chickadees, and happy Indulgence Friday! How are you?

Today I am starting a new tradition on the bloggity blog, Friday Fathoms. It is the day where I will wonder about all of the things (okay some of the things) that I fathom/wonder about.

Because honestly I ask a lot of questions in my head that never get answered. Feel free to continue the tradition on your blog or leave some fathoms in the comments:)

(p.s. If you haven’t entered in my giveaway yet…do it now before it is too late!Smile)


Friday Fathoms:

I went to bed at nine last night..who am I?

I am all nose-stuffy and eye-itchy, ughhhh allergies, why do you do this to me?

Will you be my friend on DailyMile? (now we can be workout buddies!)


Why was Mama Hall the most amazingly brilliant Lit teacher, and gave us a Hamlet Test with quotes that actually matter? (thank you Mama Hall, I think I kicked bootay)

<– Hahaha

Why is it that Mother Nature has decided to bring back ice, cold, and snow?


Why is it that as soon as I get my new baby, the weather decides it’s time for PMS?

Why is Kenneth Branaugh the best Hamlet I have ever seen, and really hot in a weird way?

What is the true whole number thingy of Pi? (don’t you dare tell me to Google it..I want to see how smart you guys areSmile)


Why are cookie dough bowls so delicious and satisfyingly perfect first thing in the morning? Or any time of the day for that matter?

Which book should I read next? (Hamlet has been tackled. Success)

Why is Chels always right? Slash why am I such a lazy-loo and don’t clean my water bottle enough? (bee tee dubs it is currently in zee dishwasher)

Have you entered in my giveaway yet? You should. The entries are  just rollllling in!


How will I be celebrating Indulgence Friday? It may have to do with the oven, two very ripe bananas, and flour all over my face. Oh and I’ll be going out to din din. Any guess at what kind of food?:)

More importantly, how will you be celebrating Indulgence Friday?

Tell me some fathoms of yours!

That’s all for today loves:) See you tomorrow with a tasty recipe!




Filed under Friday Fathoms, Indulgence Friday, Rants

21 responses to “Indulgence Friday Fathoms!

  1. I’m going to Starbuck’s this morning – nothing better than an iced coffee to end the week off!!!! You must be me because I go to bed at 9 every night!!! 🙂

  2. I am getting a mani/pedi with my sister-and had a massage yest, so life is good right now!!!!

  3. Abby

    I’ll be on the road headed back to school! A pedi when I get back will be the first think to check off the list! 🙂 I’m so bad about my water bottle too! lol. That definitely cracked me up when I read that.

  4. movesnmunchies

    abahah so AGREE- YAY i addded you on daily mile! the whole water bottle thing is so crazy true! i never clean mine and it is BAD NEWS

  5. Sounds like a perfect friday night…baking and going out for a yummy dinner? Perfecto! I am guessing you are either going out for sushi/japanese food or ethiopean (which I have yet to try but really really want to…I have got to find an ethiopean restaurant here in B-Lo!!!)?

  6. I love that water bottle! I got two so I can rotate them in the dishwasher and always have a water bottle handy! hurrah!

    For indulgent Friday I’m going to be making a-mazing brownies :-)! Even though I might be going to the doc for a cavity next week hahaha.

  7. Hm, I haven’t decided how I’ll celebrate Indulgence Friday quite yet! We’ll have to see! 🙂

  8. I’m your friend on Daily Mile! I gotta tell ya, I totally slacked off. I haven’t posted a workout in forev! Get on me, and maybe I’ll remember. 😉

  9. I am not a fan of this weather either I just started planting all of my vegs and now I have to bring them indoors boo.

  10. moveovercelery

    I’m incredibly jel that you have a Garmin. I’ve wanted one of those things for the longest time!
    quick story: didn’t wash my camelbak for the longest time. When I found it, there was mold growing on the inside. totally nasty!

  11. I should probably clean my water bottle… I haven’t cleaned for, um… ever 🙂

  12. I’ve never seen that water bottle before! Definitely gotta clean out the bottles 😀

  13. How does this daily mile thing work? Do you need a garmin? I’m a Canadian so I think in kilometres!!

  14. I’m really just loving the sporadicness of this post right now.

  15. I’ve been reading your blog for quite sometime, but I finally made a blog myself so now I can comment!
    Anyway, I got a Garmin myself for my birthday last month. I love it so much. Too bad I’m injured and can’t run. My Garmin just sits on my dresser, begging to be used.
    Love your blog, by the way. Hopefully mine will come together soon.

  16. ohhh niiice a garmin!! haha i recently started running again and the best i can do is mapquest the distances or drive with my car to figure out the miles 😛

  17. TheCreamFilling

    I want a Garmin so badly!
    Holla at you for going to bed at 9:00 PM that is what I do on Friday nights as well 🙂 Girl’s gotta sleep!

    P.S. I just found your bloggity blog and it is awesome! I will be following and potentially creeping…. haha ok no but I do love your blog!

  18. I hope you feel better soon!

  19. Have the allergies calmed down yet? I hope so- you’d think the would being as how it’s too freakin’ cold for anything to grow right now!

  20. I want that dough in the bowl!! Chelsey’s bloggie made me realize I’m bad for not cleaning mine, either! :X


  21. Ooh, I know an answer 🙂
    Pi is 3.142…… or 22 divided by 7… and on that note, I reckon you should read the Life of Pi next, if you haven’t already, because it’s brilliant!

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