Tag Archives: tangent tuesday

Love at Last Sight: Why the World Runs

Good morning chickadoodees! How are ya?

I am sleepy weepy, mainly because of the project (my Baby Book!) that caused my major lack of snoozage this weekend, but it’s totes fine because it is a-dorable. I am so excited to get it back so I can photograph it for you guys:)

Today I decided I should talk about a breakthrough I had this weekend.

So, here is my Tangent for the week:)


Like many people, I have had a “complicated” relationship with wellness. Particularly, with running.

When I first began running, it was in high school and purely for the purpose of being “skinny” like the other runners. Needless to say, I hated it. I hated how much it made me want to hurl, made my legs burn, and put me out of breath.

But, since I’ve switched to a cleaner diet, all of this has changed. Five miles is suddenly the “norm”, and it doesn’t seem that hard. I attribute my new endurance to my diet, but also to my Dad.

This weekend, I went on a run with my Dad on the canal. It was sunny, warm, and the water was sparkling. It was absolutely perfect.

I brought my new baby with me, and Padre pushed me the entire way. I told him I didn’t want to back down and walk at all, which was a big step for me. Running seven or eight miles on the treadmill is no big deal for me, but running outside is not the same thing. My body just was not ready for the outdoor runs, so when I would go with the Padre, my legs would feel stiff as tree trunks and I would have to walk a few times.

This was semi-disappointing to me, but once we got a good pace on, it became effortless. My form has changed drastically over the last few weeks, and that definitely helped. I have been following the Chi Running principles, landing on my middle/forefoot, leaning forward, and kicking my legs back. I’ve noticed a huge difference in my speed and how my joints can handle running. Patella-femural syndrome, my ASS. Ain’t got nothin’ on this girl!

We ended up doing just over seven miles, and at the end I was sprinting like it was nobody’s business. I don’t even know where the energy came from, all of a sudden my legs were propelling me so fast that the Padre was warning me not to trip:)

It felt so so good, and it was exactly what I needed. For weeks, I had been doubting myself, thinking that my knee would never get better, and that my muscles were just disagreeing with running. But, a few batches of hummus later, I finished my long run with the Padre after not running for more than a few weeks.

Brendan Stats:


In my own mind, this is not a good pace. In fact, it makes me feel kind of like a slug. But what I have to remember is after injury, it’s baby steps at a time Smile


Then on Sunday, the Baby Sister wanted to go to the gymmy gym gym, so she used the machines indoors while I basked in the sunshine and ran along the canal. It was so sunny delicious gorgeous bloggies, you would have peed.

In my mind I promised myself to wait at least a mile before I looked at my pace and when I finally did, I almost cried. I have not gone faster than a nine minute mile (outdoors, on my own) in um, ages.


After I saw that number, this hugh jass smile got plastered on my face and didn’t leave. I just soaked in the sun, the water, the grass, the fields, everything. Soon enough, my eyes were tearing up. This wasn’t the first time, but it was different.

I realized what I have been looking for this whole time. I’ve caught glimpses of it, but not until that moment did I really feel it.

I fell in love with running.

Not the legs or abs that comes with it, but the joy of propelling myself underneath the sunshine, and seeing all of the beautiful things around me. The scenery seemed to be so much more beautiful in my little sneaker-endorphine world.

I realized, that’s why the world runs. Because it gives us joy, it makes us strong, and it makes us appreciate the world and the people around us. When we hit the pavement, we are becoming closer to the Earth. I don’t care how many gadgets and gazoos you carry around when you’re running, but you’re becoming better friends with Mother Nature.

It’s a circle of appreciation that makes gives me so much joy to say that I will be running my first Half Marathon on July 23rd, 2011. A week later, I will be turning eighteen.

Here’s to a lifetime of joy 🙂



Workout Song of the Day:

Rolling in the Deep by Adele. Love. her.


  1. Have you ever had a breakthrough?

  2. Why do you run?

  3. Tell me about your relationship with running, diet, or fitness!


Filed under Rants, Running, Tangent Tuesday, Workouts

Senioritis + My First Giveaway!

Good morning bloggy boos! How are you?

It is sunny beautiful here in upstate New York, but unforch we are covered in a blanket of snow. Kaybye, Mother Nature, I am pretty sure it is spring.

So before I get to the goodies, here are some crazykins tangents since I missed Tangent Tuesday, so it is going to be Tangent Thursday🙂 Remember to feel better about yourself as you read these and share some of your crazykins randoms!

  1. I took spinning last night with the Padre and he LOVED it! I got super sweaty, but I didn’t bother to shower last night because um I was hungry. Don’t worry folks I showered this morning. Food > shower. Is that gross? Don’t answer that.
  2. Today I have The Hamlet Test. This is the test that students cry after. It is all quotes from Hamlet, and we have to identify who spoke them and who they were speaking to. If my brain doesn’t function after today, now you know why. So my night went a little like: Hamlet, eat, spin, Hamlet, eat, foam roll, eat, sleep. A nap will be taken after my last class today, not an option.
  3. Senioritis has sunk in. We’re all feelin’ it, it’s that time of year and we will all hear from every college by a week from tomorrow. And I’m hearing from two schools this weekend. Hellllooo freedom:)
  4. My Garmin –> love. Don’t bother us we are on our honeymoon, it involves Nike’s, Under Armour, and lots of water. And Quinoa-Hummus-Raisin-Balsamic bowls.
  5. In Psych yesterday, we watched this Mister Rogers video. When he first told me we would be watching Mister Rogers I was super excited  because who didn’t watch that show when they were little?! The puppets were my fave. But after this video, you may never think of poor Mister Rogers the same way again. This creeped me the eff out, rest his soul.

  6. I have rekindled my love for the Dave Matthews Band. Enough said. If you’re a fan, holla at me.


My First Giveaway!

Now for the free food:) Y’all may have seen my review of Love Grown Foods Granola a week or so back. Well I completely forgot that there was a giveaway involved. Good job, Katelyn.

WELL now you have the chance to win some free food!

You can read my review here of their products. They are deliciousness, and are almost completely empty by now. They have kiiiind of been a hit in my household.

SO, all you have to do to win is do the following (separate comment for each entry):

  1. Leave a comment telling me which flavor of Love Grown Fods granola you would like to try (mandatory entry).
  2. Follow me on Twitter.
  3. Tweet about the giveaway.
  4. Add me to your blogroll.
  5. “Subscribe” to Chef Katelyn.
  6. Follow Love Grown Foods on Twitter.
  7. “Like” Love Grown Foods on Facebook.
  8. Link back to the giveaway in a blog post.

Giveaway will be open for entry until 12 midnight EST, on Sunday, March 27th. Winner will be announced on Monday, March 28th.

That’s all for today chickadees! Happy entering and good luck:)




Filed under Giveaway, Gluten-Free, Reviews, Tangent Tuesday

Triple Tangent To-The-Nones Tuesday

Good morning bloggy boos!! How are you?

I am a sore son-of-a-gun (daughter of a gun?) because of a KILLER spinning class last night. I have been hooked for two years and it is never going to end people, it is just something to accept.

So, since it is Tangent Tuesday, here are some randoms about me. Enjoyyyy:)

  1. This song has been stuck in my head all. day. I am one of the nicest people you will ever meet (WOAH ego, watch out there!), but seriously, I can’t tell if this girl is trying to be funny or if she thinks she is really good. Okay that is the meanest you will ever see me. Don’t worry the worst is over:)
    Oh lawd.

    Want to hear more about the great debate? Clickety click on over to these:

  2. I always HAVE to be eating something when I am sitting. Whether it be during schoolwork or watching a movie, I always have to be munching on something or I will not be able to sit still/focus. I used to chew a lot of gum but then I realized it just made me really hungry so that was semi-counterproductive.

    THANK YOU carrots (carrot balls) and every veggie/fruit on the planet for allowing me to munch on you at odd times of the night when I really should be sleeping instead of studying.

    Except I am a grandma and go to bed at 9 basically so that was a false statement. Ignore that, and change it to every waking hour of the day. That is why I pack so much food for school every day (besides my raging appetite). I cannot focus in class so I pack munchables. Problem = solved.

  3. I am only allowed to watch Jersey Shore when I am working out or doing something productive, like eating folding socks. Why did I make this rule for myself? a. We don’t have cable, and b. I figure trash TV counts as negative points, so then might as well fix it with some good deeds aka a sweat sesh (my gym has EVERY CHANNEL ever) or doing something for the fam. It’s all about sacrifices, people.

    Ob. sessed. My recent fave quote? “What a shady b****”. Okay Vinny you are a jerko but sometimes you are really funny:)

  4. I cannot for the life of me remember my voicemail password. I have tried every single number combination in my memory it is obviously an error on Verizon’s part.

    Any suggestions?! Please and thank you:)


So I am calling it To-The-Nones Tuesday because I am not To-The-Nines today. I am rockin the yoga pants/juicy hoodie look because I have senioritis and I don’t like to put too much effort into my appearance.

Roll out of bed, eat, repeat!

Here is a recycled photograph FYE:)

See you tomorrow loves!! Have a rockintastic Tuesday:)

What do you think of Rebecca Black’s debut video?

Hahahahhaha. That is all I have to say about that:)


“I wanna snuggle.” Love you Dreena.

Tell me some random/crazy/weird things about you!!




Filed under Rants, Tangent Tuesday, to the nines tuesday, Uncategorized

Shake Yo Bootay

Good morning friends! How are you?

I am sunny delicious this morning even though it is not that sunny. If you ain’t got sunshine, bring your own, am I right?

Anywhos, sorry for no post yesterday bloggy boos, lately it is WAY too easy to get caught up on schoolwork, projects, test studying, you know what I mean. BUT I have still been reading all of your bloggys from my Droid as I walk the halls, so do not fret:)

Remember when I told you about the crazykins class Lisa and I were going to go to Tuesday night? Didn’t happen. Dangflammit, Eke! Stop being out of town/sick, I wanted to get my butt whooped!


^^ My excited face

It’s okay though, we went to Spinning and I am pretty sure my butt went numb about twelve times. We took class from Joanne, who is a rockstar and could probably teach spin all day and not get tired. My idol.

So, butt-whooping will commence next week. I’m already shaking in my Uggs (p.s. I really need to get rid of those, it is time for Sperry’s weather mmk).


New Traditions:

SO the new tradition I am putting up on the bloggy is To The Nines Tuesday! And no this genius idea is not my own. Some of my girls from school thought it was a cute idea, and so I am sharing it with all of you!

So now, not only do you get to hear crazy randomsauce things about me, you get to dress up and feel pretty, too!

Win-win-win Winking smile

So, here is my first To The Nines Tuesday outfit. I felt so adorable in this outfit, the last time I got to wear this dress was on my birthday!


Sorry my mirror is narsty. But it’s a black cardi, floral-printed dress, and black tights, all Forever 21. Necklace is a la Grandma CK. Love her<3

And, surprise! I got a new mascara:) It. rocks.


Sorry for the close-up eyeball shot. Didn’t mean to get all up in yo space:)

But I had to demonstrate that this. mascara. is BOMB.

Checkitt –> Maybelline’s The Falsies mascara. Floats my boat and rocks it. Buy this biznazz now, and be a cheapo like me:)

Bee tee dubs I was making a quinoa-hummus-raisin-balsamic bowl this morning (yes mid morning snack not for breakfast, not to say that hasn’t happened though), and I ALMOST FORGOT THE BALSAMIC. I tasted it and knew something was wrong. Yup poured on a giant pour of balsamic and all was right in the world.

p.s. I am so glad to hear that you guys are loving them as much as I am!! I love seeing tweets/pictures/emails about them, keep making bowls of deliciousness and spreading the love! Smile


Tangent Tuesday (except it’s Thursday Winking smile):

Oh so for a bit of tangentness for you, here are some randoms I’ve encountered over the last few days:

Most giant bag of chia seeds ever. Love you Padre!


Biggest container of garlic known to man. This is because I am a lazy loo people. And it tastes way better than fresh garlic when I make hummus!


Baseball Barrot of the YEAR


Why you lookin like a fool wit yo money on the ground?


Tiniest green been EVER. How cute is that?!


STOP – smoothie time! Banana, flax, hemp protein, blueberries, coconut oil, and carob powder. Teaspoon of xanthan for thickness. Get in mah belly.


Moon:) Awwwwoooooo! <—My she-wolf howl. Watch out Shakira, there’s a new wolf in town!



Shake Yo Bootay:

Now that I am done with my randomness, here is a recap of my Wednesday night, and the reason for the title of this post!

I decided to go to a dance class for the first time in AGES (stopped seven years ago) because I was getting a hinkering for it again and I could tell because I found myself listening to classical music and doing plies. Rock on, sista!


Anywho, I went to a floor/barre class expecting some ballet action or at least some movement, but it was way boring. We didn’t do much at all, I was so bored, it is amazing the ways I think of to keep myself entertained. I am pretty sure the teacher was falling asleep too.

SO, I started talking with one of the other instructors and explained to her, LISTEN, I am a runner, I would like to do something that actually involves movement and sweat. She told me I should try out the intermediate and advanced classes. Cha-CHING! Checkin that shizz out next week. Way excited.

I was dancing literally even before I was born. The Madre was a dancer her whole young life, and danced at NYU and then for ten more years teaching dance classes at a studio in New York City. So basically I knew how to dance before I could walk (name that song!).

Sorry no pictures, figured it would be rude in the middle of a dance studio;)

That’s all for this morning loves! See you tomorrow for Indulgence Friday!

Did you dance when you were young? Do you still dance?

YES, and I thought running was my thang now and not so much dancing, but I realized that I still love ballet and contemporary. I’ll be testing the waters over the next few weeks:)

How will you be dressing To The Nines this Tuesday? Tell me about your favorite outfit!

This is defs one of my all-time faves. I just wish it were warm so I didn’t have to wear tights! I hate pants.

What is the last butt-whooping class you have taken?

Spinning. Errday. But it’s fine, totally worth it for a fine bootay!




Filed under Rants, Recipes, Workouts

Easy as One, Two, Three!

Good morning bloggity boos! How are you?

I am daaaandy:) It is Fat Tuesday and I dressed up in an ADORABLE outfit for a new tradition on the bloggity blog. Check back tomorrow for more on that:)

Anywhos, I was in a rushy rush this morning and did not get to upload pictures, so I am blogging in the library, feeling like a BAMF. Don’t worry I’ll be good the rest of the week I promise.

SO, without further ado (or is it adue? whaddafuh why can I not spell), my ABC’s! This is what happens when Tangent Tuesday falls on a busy bee kind of day. Besides who doesn’t love a good chain of fun:)

A. Age: 17

B. Bed size: Twin. Hate being a student. Buy me a king bed for my birfday and I will love you forever:)

C. Chore you dislike: Dishes. There are SO MANY OF THEM I need a professional dish washer! Not a machine a person. If you find someone who will do it for smiles and butterflies I am your girl:)

D. Dogs: Sam who died last year at age 14, and Lilly who is 4. She is a crazy muffin:)

E. Essential start to your day: WATER and a green smoothie! And a Cookie Dough Bowl obvs. Otherwise something feels crazy off. Oh and peeing. My bladder is the size of a walnut!

F. Favorite color: It’s been pink ever since I was an itty bitty baby! And it ain’t changing:)

G. Gold or silver: Silver

H. Height: 5’2.25″. That quarter is a big deal! 😉

I. Instruments you play(ed): Piano and flute. Instruments were not my strongest suit:) However it was my dream since I can remember to play the flute and I finally did so once that dream was satisfied I quit. Haha

J. Job title: Student and blogger. No time for 9 to 5 in my life, kiddos!

K. Kids: None that I know of.

L. Live: Upstate New York. Location is not going to be divulged since there are some creepy creeps on the internet:)

M. Mom’s name: Carrie

N. Nicknames: Kate, Katie, Katiekins (don’t make me explain)

O. Overnight hospital stays: None

P. Pet peeves: Slow walkers, noisy eaters, noisy gum chewers, messy people (which is ironic because I always spill my food on myself), people who are irresponsible/don’t do their work, too many exclamation points.

Q. Quote from a movie: “Wove and mawwiage…it bwings us togevah” and “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.”

R. Righty or lefty: Righty tighty.

S. Siblings: Rebecca

T. Time you wake up: 5:30 am

U. Underwear: I am wearing some? I am not going to divulge this info I have family friends that read this blog:)

V. Vegetables you dont’ like: I have never met a vegetable I haven’t liked!

W. What makes you run late: I am 5 minutes late for everything, mostly because there is always “one more thing” to do, or I overestimate how much time I have. Shame on meeee

X. X-rays you’ve had: Teeth, ankle, abdomen/liver (no I am not an alcoholic)

Y. Yummy food you make: Well let’s see here now:) Cookie Dough Bowls, Raw Chocolate Cake, Raw Chocolate Mousse…just got to my recipes page and have a looksky!

Z. Zoo animal favorites: Koala Bears and monkeys! We have a bond, we both have banana addictions🙂

That’s all for today chickadees! I am off to class, and then tonight I will be going to a crazy class with my girl Lisa! Pee-your-pants pictures to come:)

Tell me some ABC’s about you!! Are we similar?



Filed under Rants, Uncategorized


Good morning honey bunches! (of oats?) How are you?


I am excited for this glorious day because it can be nothing but WAY better than yesterday. Woke up, went to class, and then looked out the window. My psych teacher was fuhhhreaking out.


It went from sunny to white-out conditions in 2.41 seconds, but that’s just a guesstimate.

Then I went home for a few hours before my Stat test, which was no bueno. My friend and I spent most of the “review” period talking with Mrs. V about vacations/cruises/what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

Love. her.

Anywhos, keep sending along your Mission: I Feel Pretty pictures!! Y’all are so gorgeous, keep spreading the loveee:)


So anywho, today I am going to carry on the tradition of Tangent Tuesday, except it is Thursday but it’s fine let’s just pretend it’s Tuesday mmk:)

I am a bit overdue, but the lovely Alyssa and a few other bloggy buds (I’m so sorry if I missed you, I can’t find the comments! Darn WordPress doesn’t have a search box for commentsSad smile) have presented me with the 7 Facts Blog Award. Thanks, girls!


So, b-b-b-basically, I have to tell you 7 facts about myself. I will try to think of seven more, but I have already exhausted some of my random reserves🙂 Kay ready set, go!

  1. I am a natural blonde. Yes, it is true. I do not spend money to dye my hair with icky chemicals, that is NOT my style:) I roll with sunshine and genetics, mmk?


  2. I make crazy faces. Wait you already know that:)

    crossed eyess


  3. Kelly Ripa is my doppelganger, and my idol. I swear we are long-lost sisters.

    kelly ripa

  4. I was a funny little chile. My funny faces started young:)


    ^^Please ignore the adorable poofy garb I am wearing, please remember I did not know how to dress myself so my parents did it for me:)




    ^^Can you spot me? Smile

    ^^ Seeeesters:) We are too darn tootin’ cute.

  5. My grandmother lives on the beach on the Chesapeake Bay, and we stay with her for about a month total each year (mostly in the summerSmile). It is gorgeous, and we have our own beach! Summertime heaven

    ^^Christmas 2009

    Heaven on Earth.

  6. I’m not short, I’m fun sized! More than once, I have been given paper plate awards for being fun-sized. And I even have a shirt with the above slogan, but I cannot find it right now. I am 5’2” and a quarter, and that quarter is a big deal when you are this teeny tiny! I am also a size 5 shoe, I’m pretty sure that makes me Cinderella.

    ^^ Ha Smile

  7. I have a thing for taking pictures of funny stuff. Exhibit A:

    ^^Naked Cowboy.




    ^^Whaddup George Eastman!

    ^^ I ate the whole. thing. Happy belly:)

    ^^ Da na na na…can’t touch this!

I am supposed to tag seven bloggies for this, but I can’t pick just seven! So, if you comment on this post, consider yourself tagged!:)

Alrighty chickadees, that’s all for today! See you tomorrow morning for a post on my favorite snackety snacks and meals on the go!

Do you joke with your teachers?

YESSS, my teachers are my buds:) I love hearing stories about their crazy high school/college years!

Are you a crazykins face-maker?

Yes, if you have been reading this blog for more than five minutes you would know that:)

Tell me seven crazy/weird/random things about you!




Filed under Mission: I Feel Pretty, Rants, Uncategorized

Three Tangent Tuesday!

Good morning bloggy boos! Hope everyone avoided a severe case of the Mondays:)

I sure did, with the help of approx. three bananas with almond butter…that’s my kind of study fuel!

Unforch, I overslept this morning, which is why I am posting later than usual. I am usually at class by now, but since eating breakfast takes me forever anyways, I am typing this as I slurp on a green smoothie and am currently staring at my giant bowl of Cookie Dough.

By the way, I am so happy that y’all are lovin on the Cookie Dough Bowls as much as I am! Keep linking back, I love seeing your lovely brekkie pictures:)

Anywho, yesterday I was feeling super sleepy (oh, the student life!), so I opted for a nap instead of a workout. It was awesome.

Then, I woke up to din din and cranked out some surrious studying. I am a studying MONSTA. I absolutely love my Droid, because I do not even have to move my butt to look something up on Wikipedia.

Lazy-loo = WIN:)

Then of course, as I was about to grab a snackety snack from the cupboard, we noticed mice poopies.


Ughhh, looks like we have a mouse problem.

Listen, I do not believe in the killing of innocent lives, but these mice have been munching on our goodies since the summer!

Micey-moos are no longer cute in my book.

No more nice Katelyn, time to bring out the big guns! (aka, glue boards with which we will catch the mice and then release them into the wilderness with their wild mice buddiesSmile)


Now to the main event!

Da da da DAAAA….it is Tangent Tuesday! (started by my girl Janae, who is having a giveaway! Now go enter in it)

Aka the day I get to ramble on and on about myself (aka, more than usual).

Then, you get to tell me random/weird/funny things about you so I feel like less of a crazykins🙂

Okie dokie, number one!

Three Tangent Tuesday

  1. I speak a completely different language with my dog. And yes, we understand each other.


    Don’t worry, she’s as crazykins as I am. Do not be fooled by her googly eyes, this pupster licks the outside of our refrigerator. I know, I don’t get her either.

  2. I do really strange things on a daily basis. Like, multiple times a day. Such as licking my plate in public places.

    What can I say, it runs in the family Smile

  3. Over the last 24 hours, I have been craving carbs like a lady with a baby. I had three bananas with almond butter, a million tostones, and two giant glumps (ew, clumps) of raisins. And more raisins before that. And more almond butter.

    ^^ Carbs

    Maybe I have immaculately conceived like the Virgin Mary? (and in case you were wondering, no I am not a skank-ho and am single and mingling so there is no way I could poss be preggo)

    I blame Mother Nature and her lovely Monthly Gift that makes me a ravenous beast once a month (aka, more of a ravenous beast than usual).

    But then again, I am not exactly complaining…I LOVE FOODSmile

  4. Since I can’t stop at three, I must tell you that I chipped my tooth last night while I was eating. Yes, I love food so much that instead of waiting for the food to actually be in my mouth, I bite down before the fork has even left. Aka, chip in my tooth the size of a fork prong.

    If anyone asks, I will call it a “battle wound” from my most favorite activity of all time, and they will think it was something BAMF-style such as deep-sea-fishing but instead it will be from eating, aka my own inside joke with myself:)

That’s all for today, munchy moos! I am late for class, and my spoon just hit the bottom of my Cookie Dough Bowl so it is time for me to go “wash my hair” since I am a lazy-loo (I am a sneakster) and skipdiddlydoo off to class!

Have you ever had a Mouse Situation?

Yes, please do not remind me. My pretzels are now no longer edible. Ugh, effing mice! (pardon my frenchy French)

Do you speak a different language with your dog/pet?

Hahaha yes, you would give me such strange looks if you heard the words I come up with.

Do you do weird things in public places?

Yes, I embrace it:)

Tell me three random/weird/funny things about you!




Filed under Rants, Uncategorized