Daily Archives: March 7, 2011

I Triple Dog Doctor Donut Dare You

Good morning rays of sunshine!! How are you?

I loved hearing about all of your bloggy friendships/meetups and especially your favorite snacks and quick din dins! Most of us are on the same page:)

Oh, and I am not going to lie you guys are hilarious. You have no idea how much some of your comments make me laugh, it is offich, we are all having a giant bloggy slumber party and using our crazykins vocab because that is what we do, mmk?!

Bee tee dubs, yesterday at the gym I did upper body weights. Holy. soreness. Guys this might be TMI for some of you but lezzbeserious MY BOOBS HURT. People doing upper body for the first time in a million years = big mistake on my part. Hello, sore Monday!

And keep sending in your Mission: I Feel Pretty pictures!! I am so glad this is becoming an ongoing project, it makes me so happy to see all of you embracing yourselves!

So since so many of you asked for one, I took a picture of her highness, Her Fugliness. Behold, the Quinoa-Hummus-Raisin-Balsamic Bowl, pre-mixing:



If that does not defer you enough from the deliciousness that is enclosed in that bowl, the doggy-bowl-esque serving dishware will. No I am not a puppy deep down.

BUT these puppies will make your heart melt!

The Padre forwarded an adorable e-mail to me last night, in which there were pictures of a baby deer (that looks JUST like Bambi) that followed a doggy home. How cute is this?!


One more for good measure.

Image (1)

Okay, all together now… Aweeeeee 🙂

Just TRY and tell me that did not make you turn to mush. I triple dog doctor donut dare you.

Bee tee dubs, back in the day that was the ULTIMATE dare. You had to do it or else the world would collapse and you would be covered in green slime like on that Nickelodeon show that always came right before the Amanda show. Did anyone else watch that as a kid?! I always thanked my lucky stars that I was not the lobster. Poor guy, costume was probs a million degrees.

Okay,  time for Melt-Your-Heart Part Deux.

This dog has been euthanized and risen from the dead. Not joking. It was pronounced dead, thrown in a dumpster, and found healthy and well the next morning. Not only is that absolutely terrible, but this dog is basically a miracle/Jesus dog. Have a looksky!


Click and watch the vid you will die, this is the cutest puppy in the world, he is only three months old!

So since I am using that awesomesauce title, I am going to Triple Dog Doctor Donut Dare you to do something kind or selfless for another person today. Whether it be holding the door, paying for the coffee of the person behind you, helping someone with their schoolwork, or saying hello to someone new, make someone’s day and spread some smiles.

Case of the Mondays who?

That is all for today chickadees, I am off to class! See you tomorrow:)

Something to think: If the Incans and Mayans didn’t have stoves…how did they cook their quinoa?

I spent the good part of last night wondering about this as I drifted off to dreamland. I hope to goodness they did not eat their quinoa hard.

How are you going to make someone’s day today?

We shall see, we shall see:) Come  back tomorrow to find out what I did!




Filed under Rants, Uncategorized