Tag Archives: lentil burger

Say a Prayer + Owl House Eats!

Good evening all! Hope you’ve had a lurvely and restful Sunday🙂

The first part of today’s post will be a little emotional and sappy, but I feel that this is a topic that I need to address because it really hit home with me today.

This morning after I posted a gluten-free pizza-for-one recipe, I headed off to church where I listened to an unexpectedly profound service.

It started with a meditation on the “goodbyes” that will be said at the end of the year (leaving for college), as well as a highlight on the goodbyes that will be said to the graduates that leave to go to war.

As I sat with eyes closed, I imagined my “goodbye” with my family with both excitement and incredible sadness. I will be leaving my comfortable house filled with the people I love most (and my stove), but entering into a new place that will have so much to offer: a life of my own, creativity in the kitchen, and the many excitements of college life (pursuing my passions and partying..obv).

But then, my mind shifted to how I would feel if I were leaving my parents to go to a place where I would be killing human beings, for the sake of “freedom”.

I am not in any way saying that there cannot be justifications for war, but instead I would like you to put yourself in that eighteen-year-old’s position for a moment. Imagine saying goodbye to your parents, knowing your next destination would be a foreign country with a bunch of soldiers you’ve never met, to a place where no one can be trusted.

Then, put yourself in the position of the parents saying goodbye to their child. The fear that their baby wouldn’t come home, or wouldn’t come home all in one piece. The fear that their little girl or little boy wouldn’t be the same person they said goodbye to, but instead someone they don’t recognize.

Many soldiers return home only to commit suicide. Over one thousand have survived suicide attempts, and most will come back from war with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Whether you support war or not, please support our troops. These are our friends’ boys and girls, our neighbors, and the person who sat next to us in elementary school.

Say a prayer for these soldiers and their families tonight, and remember that our soldiers do not always believe what they are doing is right, but they feel that it is right to fight for our country and the lives of their loved ones.

Though I do not believe in the killing of any human being, I support the humanity of the people who lay down their lives every day, no matter whether that directly or indirectly protects us.

The reading and sermon that followed the meditation will be covered in tomorrow’s post. Here’s a hint: it has to do with your passion, your life, your career, and your heart. Any guesses?

If you pray, please also include my family in your prayers. Today had an abrupt turn for the worse, and we need your prayers as we nurse a family member back to health. You all are beautiful, and I know with the love of us all, we can all get through the tough times!

Also, please drive safely. You never know when one choice in a vehicle could change your life.

God bless!


Now onto a less emotional topic………FOOD!

This afternoon (after the awesomely moving church service and a nice jaunt around the neighborhood with the puppers), we headed off to The Owl House.

I cannot rave enough about this place, it is delicious, has copious vegan and gluten-free entrees (this place even has gluten-free bread made with teff, can I get a hell yeah?!), and every dessert is vegan.

Gett @ m3.


I got the Garden Salad (Field Greens, Farmers Market Vegetables, Lemon Vinaigrette), topped with a Lentil Burger, sans the Vegenaise and Onion Roll (not gluten free).


It was delicious, I scarfed it down in 0.26 seconds and loved every bite. I haven’t had a grilled burger in much too long, and a reunion was well overdue. Hello, smoky flava!


It made me incredibly skippidyy happy to find that the waitress was very accommodating to my vegan– and gluten-free restrictions (last time I came I was not on a gluten-free diet).

I always end up feeling like “that girl” who pesters the waitress.. “Can I have the blah blah blah but with no blah and with blah blah on the side? Oh, and no blah blah, either, can I get blahty blah instead?”

I would feel bad, but I like my food, and I like it my way:)

Which takes me to dessert! I absolutely could not resist this son-of-a-gun even though the burger left me sufficiently stuffed.

There is always room for chocolate.


Chocolate Mousse (Cocoa-Avocado Puree, Fresh Fruit, Cacao Nibs).

IMG_3467This was to. die.

Recipe to come.

I’m not sure exactly how this motha was concocted, but I don’t ask, I just eat.


Just you wait kiddos, this will be the most decadent thing that ever hit the bottom of your endless stomach.

I literally could not stop making “mmm!” noises while I was licking this off of my spoon, it was too good and I was getting some funny looks but I could care less.

And then I looked in the mirror and there was tons of chocolate in my teeth.

But as before, I could care less. It’s a small price to pay for chocolatey deliciousness🙂

Then, we headed across the street to one of my favorite co-op’s to explore fun foods and get free samples (wooo for Sundays!). There was free chocolate, chocolate-covered almonds, and organic blueberries! Uh, chocolate and fruit fo free? Get at me!


I had three of these little cuppies, it’s fine. They’re free for a reason, people!

That’s all for now lovies! I’m off to make some din din, do my homework, get excited for my first day of psych tomorrow (new semester, hollllla!), and go to sleep EARLY.

I am making a vow to myself to go to bed NO LATER than 10 every night, and I am telling all of you because that will make sure I am more accountable for my own rebelliousness. It is now your job to keep me in line. Good luck, people!

What is your view on “support our troops”?

I support the people, not necessarily the war.

Do you ever feel like a pesky food orderer?

Uh, always. My food, my way, beeyotch!

Do you get food stuck in your teeth/your hair/on your clothes?

Yes, yes, and yes. That is why I wear scarves🙂

Have a good rest of your night! Eat some chocolate for me;)




Filed under Gluten-Free, Rants, Restaurants, Vegan