I’m sooo…caught up!

Hollaaaa look at me getting back in the game! I am two for two today..if that’s not progress, I don’t know what is 😉

First off, I have to thank miss Leashieloo for giving me the Cherry on Top Award back in September. I am the worst bloggy friend, I’m so sorry Leashie! But thank you oooodles and oodles for the award, I’m more than honored 🙂


The award comes with these three rules:

1. Answer this question: If you had the chance to go back and change one thing in your life, what would it be? Absolutely nothing. My life philosophy is totally against woulda-coulda-shouldas and regrets. Where you are is where you’re supposed to be, and everything that brought you there happened for a reason and to make yourself the beautiful person you are today.

2. Nominate another 6 people for this award  and let them know they’ve got the award.

Katie at Chocolate-Covered Katie

Meg at Sunshine ‘N Spice

Angela at OhSheGlows

Julie at Peanut Butter Fingers

Hillary at Nutrition Nut on the Run

Gena at Choosing Raw

3. Thank the person who gave you the award. Thank you so much Leashieloo for choosing me to give an award to 🙂 I’ve never been the girl to get awards, so it means a lot! Peace and love to ya ❤


Okay, time for me to snap back to reality! I’m all caught up 🙂 Now if I had all my schoolwork done already I would be really caught up..well, tomorrow is a new day. I’ll do it tomorrah 😉

I hope everyone’s been having a lovely evening! I had a home-cooked dinner with my Mama, just us girls – it was so nice, and it’s always so fun to catch up with my Mom on a more friend-type level.

I sauteed some halved and quartered brussels in EVOO, lemon juice, and thyme – sorry lovelies, I was so caught up (ha!) with getting caught up (strike two!) with my mama that I didn’t snap a picture 😦 But dinner was beautiful and the brussels tasted amazeballs this way – you HAVE to try it!

I also stir-fried some baby bella mushrooms, roasted a sweet potater (my faves – getting my beta carotene!), and had my new favorite quick-dinner combo:

Combine leftover (or freshly cooked, if you roll that way too!) grains and hummus.

That’s it.

Stir and stir! I combined about 1 cup leftover quinoa with 1/2 cup Prince Omar original hummus (I love this stuff!). It was the definition of Happy Tummy.

In other notes, in the earlier part of our mother-daughter girl’s day, we stopped at the Public Market and snagged these gorgeous scarves; and they were only five bucks!

IMG_3046If that’s not a sweet deal, I don’t know what is 😉 I am SUCH a scarf queen..I literally wear one every single day. Not only does it keep me warmer, but they’re adorable and make my outfits way more exciting.

Question: Are you a “scarf” girl too? Is there something you seem to always wear/bring with you in your purse?

For me, it’s obviously scarves, but in my bag I always have my Palmer’s Cocoa Butter chapstick – it looks like a glue stick, but it’s the best (and cheapest!) chapstick you will ever buy. Plus, it smells like chocolate – what more could a girl want? I mean, besides real chocolate..

chocolateLooks like it’s time for me to dig into my 87% cacao Endangered Species chocolate..again! Honest to goodness, that stuff is more than addictive. But I’d say my Dagoba 100% cacao is even more addictive..especially after the first bite.

Nom nom.

Time for me to hit the hay, lovlies! I still have yet to decide what workout to do tomorrow..running, body pump, yoga, or pilates? I am so terrible with making decisions!

Have a good night 🙂




Filed under Uncategorized, Vegan

15 responses to “I’m sooo…caught up!

  1. Better late than never 🙂 Glad to see you back in the bloggy world!

  2. Thanks for the award, dear. I’m honored 🙂

  3. I am scarf OBSESSED! I adore that brassy one!

  4. Hi Katelyn! I found you through Angela…I am totally a scarf person too. I have way too many. I am also obsessed wtih Pilates 🙂 Still catching up but can’t wait to read more.

  5. Thanks for the award! 🙂

    I too LOVE scarves….I own about 5 or so, but I really want to expand my collection, lol.

  6. Awww you are soooo sweet! Seriously, are you sure you’re not made of sugar? Or ooh maybe chocolate coconut butter?? 🙂

    • Awee thank you Katie!! I only wish I was made of sugar (well, in my case, it would be stevia 😉 ) but coconut butter would be even better 🙂 I still have to try it! Thank goodness one of my natural foods stores carries Artisana

  7. Pingback: Cookie Dough in a Bowl « Chef Katelyn

  8. movesnmunchies

    cute award!! and SUCHA good idea of hummus with grains!! im such a scarf girl 😀

  9. Pingback: Say a Prayer + Owl House Eats! « Chef Katelyn

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