Tag Archives: half marathon

Sometimes I surprise myself.

Random fact of the day: if you have earphones on and you’re eating, you realize how obnoxiously noisy your mouth really is when you’re eating. Or maybe that’s just me.

Anyways, HAPPY MONDAY FRIENDS I hope it is sunny beautiful in your neck of the woods because it is nasty here:) Aka, snow, cold, dark. Typical Upstate New York.


Clearly, Eeyore is not happy with this.

I’m with ya, bud.

Thank you for all of your sweet comments on my last post! I loved hearing about what happiness means to YOU, and what you thought of the recipe:)

So I have a bit of an announcement. I know I said that first Half Marathon would be July 23rd, but plans have changed a bit.

Let me tell you a little story.

Yesterday I set on the canal for my long run with the Padre and his Harvard buddy (both marathoners and buddy is an ultramarathoner), so I expected to run separately because I figured I wouldn’t be able to keep up.

I was wrong. These sons of guns intimidated me at first, but I was keeping up nearly effortlessly. Before I knew it, we had run ten miles. For the first time in my entire life.

No pictures of me because it was first thing in the morning and I was sweaty. Clayton (Harvard buddy) said I looked like I hadn’t even run yet, but obvs he was just trying to be nice. So here is a recycled picture of myself:)

I know don’t you just want to be me? Especially with my faces….good thing my friends know how to handle my crazy.

The stats:


AH:) I still can’t believe I did it.

Next weekend’s long run is 12 miles. Then I taper down…

For my first Half Marathon on May 1st!!!!

Will you come cheer for me?! It is the Flower City Half Marathon in Rochester, NY, it would make my heart so happy if y’all came out to support me<3

Holy roley poley oley. I am so so so excited, and I will have the Padre by my side the whole time. I cannot wait to share this experience with my Dad. It sounds so cheesy, but he is my hero and I never would have started running without him.

After our run yesterday, we shared a special father-daughter moment hug. It was beautiful ❤

Later, I met up with Lisa at the gym for some upper-body weight lifting (I am getting BUFF) and abs/stretching. Then we went to the local health food store and bought out their Zevia and bread stash (best bread in. the. world. Only ingredients = Millet flour, zucchini, broccoli, cabbage, carrot, carrot juice, water, baking soda, and sea salt. BAM) and then made this monster.


Props to Lisa for her amazing stash of extracts (ALMOND) and her Avocado of the Month Club membership. Fuerte avocados – sheBANG.


I don’t even know what to call this. It kind of tasted like a cookie. Kind of like cake. Kind of like marzipan.


Well, he’s green…how about the cookie monster?


The Cookie Monster

Serves 2


  • 1 avocado (flesh scooped out)
  • 2 scoops protein powder (we used Vega Sport Vanilla)
  • 1 tsp. xanthan gum
  • 2 cups unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 whole dropper-full of vanilla stevia (probably 20 drops)
  • a few drops of almond extract


  1. Blend, baby, blend!
  2. Eat with a spoon. Otherwise we’ll look at you funny;)


We ate these way too fast. But of course I was still hungs (hello 10 mile run) so we toasted some bread. Holy lord in heaven, best bread I have ever had. I will post a picture/my obsession with it soon<3



Hahaha okay that is all for now loves.

Some parting words:

GO ENTER LISA’S GIVEAWAY!! She is giving away SunButter (obsessed), Vega deliciousness, Dandy Blend, raw granola, and a book. I love her to the moon and back and you will too ❤

Put it on your calendars to travel to chilly willy Upstate New York to cheer on CK on May 1st!

I know today was supposed to be a post on “Why Syracuse?”, but that will come tomorrow:) Other things to come….


How is the weather in your neck of the woods?


Any advice for a half-marathoner newbie?

Pwease and thank you:)

What are your Monday plans?

Meeting up with some of my girls later tonight!




Filed under Gluten-Free, Recipes, Running, Vegan, Workouts