Sometimes I surprise myself.

Random fact of the day: if you have earphones on and you’re eating, you realize how obnoxiously noisy your mouth really is when you’re eating. Or maybe that’s just me.

Anyways, HAPPY MONDAY FRIENDS I hope it is sunny beautiful in your neck of the woods because it is nasty here:) Aka, snow, cold, dark. Typical Upstate New York.


Clearly, Eeyore is not happy with this.

I’m with ya, bud.

Thank you for all of your sweet comments on my last post! I loved hearing about what happiness means to YOU, and what you thought of the recipe:)

So I have a bit of an announcement. I know I said that first Half Marathon would be July 23rd, but plans have changed a bit.

Let me tell you a little story.

Yesterday I set on the canal for my long run with the Padre and his Harvard buddy (both marathoners and buddy is an ultramarathoner), so I expected to run separately because I figured I wouldn’t be able to keep up.

I was wrong. These sons of guns intimidated me at first, but I was keeping up nearly effortlessly. Before I knew it, we had run ten miles. For the first time in my entire life.

No pictures of me because it was first thing in the morning and I was sweaty. Clayton (Harvard buddy) said I looked like I hadn’t even run yet, but obvs he was just trying to be nice. So here is a recycled picture of myself:)

I know don’t you just want to be me? Especially with my faces….good thing my friends know how to handle my crazy.

The stats:


AH:) I still can’t believe I did it.

Next weekend’s long run is 12 miles. Then I taper down…

For my first Half Marathon on May 1st!!!!

Will you come cheer for me?! It is the Flower City Half Marathon in Rochester, NY, it would make my heart so happy if y’all came out to support me<3

Holy roley poley oley. I am so so so excited, and I will have the Padre by my side the whole time. I cannot wait to share this experience with my Dad. It sounds so cheesy, but he is my hero and I never would have started running without him.

After our run yesterday, we shared a special father-daughter moment hug. It was beautiful ❤

Later, I met up with Lisa at the gym for some upper-body weight lifting (I am getting BUFF) and abs/stretching. Then we went to the local health food store and bought out their Zevia and bread stash (best bread in. the. world. Only ingredients = Millet flour, zucchini, broccoli, cabbage, carrot, carrot juice, water, baking soda, and sea salt. BAM) and then made this monster.


Props to Lisa for her amazing stash of extracts (ALMOND) and her Avocado of the Month Club membership. Fuerte avocados – sheBANG.


I don’t even know what to call this. It kind of tasted like a cookie. Kind of like cake. Kind of like marzipan.


Well, he’s green…how about the cookie monster?


The Cookie Monster

Serves 2


  • 1 avocado (flesh scooped out)
  • 2 scoops protein powder (we used Vega Sport Vanilla)
  • 1 tsp. xanthan gum
  • 2 cups unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 whole dropper-full of vanilla stevia (probably 20 drops)
  • a few drops of almond extract


  1. Blend, baby, blend!
  2. Eat with a spoon. Otherwise we’ll look at you funny;)


We ate these way too fast. But of course I was still hungs (hello 10 mile run) so we toasted some bread. Holy lord in heaven, best bread I have ever had. I will post a picture/my obsession with it soon<3



Hahaha okay that is all for now loves.

Some parting words:

GO ENTER LISA’S GIVEAWAY!! She is giving away SunButter (obsessed), Vega deliciousness, Dandy Blend, raw granola, and a book. I love her to the moon and back and you will too ❤

Put it on your calendars to travel to chilly willy Upstate New York to cheer on CK on May 1st!

I know today was supposed to be a post on “Why Syracuse?”, but that will come tomorrow:) Other things to come….


How is the weather in your neck of the woods?


Any advice for a half-marathoner newbie?

Pwease and thank you:)

What are your Monday plans?

Meeting up with some of my girls later tonight!




Filed under Gluten-Free, Recipes, Running, Vegan, Workouts

34 responses to “Sometimes I surprise myself.

  1. applesnoats

    yayyyy so excited for you!I did my first thi spast thanksgiving and IT WAS AMAZING!!!!even more amazing because we had pumpkin pie after 🙂
    ps-i’m so exxcited for whatever that deliciousness is

  2. WOW AMAZING run!! I am SO excited for you!! I LOVE that your dad is a runner too, and you share running love with him 🙂

    And that cookie monster smoothie looks DELISH!! I HAVE to try that!! 😀

  3. Wooooo awesome job girl!! You’re gonna rock your half. It was nice here this morning, but now it’s getting kinda overcast and gray. Boo 😦

  4. oooh Congrats on your run girl, you willlll do awesome in that half marathon!!! Super exciting, I can’t wait to read all about it!

  5. Molly @ Mollyrunsfresh

    Congratz katelyn, I’m so proud of you!! I loved every minute of my first half marathon ( it was on a horse trail around a lake). I didn’t have an GUs or shot blox or anything special like that but I did take a couple waters along the way. My advice: when you get tired, fix your form! Make sure your thumbs are on top of your fists and you are pumping your arms straight ahead, not crossing your body. It save so much energy!

  6. oh I love it when that happends. What a great surprise and your totally gonna rock that half marathon may 4th!

  7. I am so excited to run with you giiirl! My best advice is start out slow-you can always make your speed faster at the end if you have extra energy but it will be a long race if you are wishing it’s over by mile 7. You are going to do so great! 🙂

  8. runyogarepeat

    Congrats girl! You’re gonna do awesome in that half. That’s so exciting that you get to run with your dad. My mom & I ran our first half together, and it was such a great experience!

  9. whatever that it is – it looks awesome! can’t wait to find out. ps, amazing job on your run!! 😀


  10. Vanessa

    Way to go girl!! I am excited for you! My half marathon advice is just to enjoy it. It’s 1st one ever and you want to take it all in…u will rock!!! 🙂 Can’t wait on the why Syracuse post.

  11. It’s so amazing that you can share this passion of yours with your father. I’m sure you will rock your race. I didn’t take in any nutrition during my first half but there are some people who rely on it for an extra boost. Test out your body on your long training runs and see how it feels with and without nutrition. Everyone is different. Make sure you hydrate though!

    I’ve been following your blog for a while now. I love your enthusiasm and positivity towards running, eating, and life. I just started one of my own. Check it out 🙂

  12. It’s so amazing that you get to share your passion for running with your dad. You will rock your race, I’m sure of it. I didn’t take in any nutrition during my first half, but some people rely on it to carry them through. Try experimenting with your body during your long training runs with and without nutrition and see how you feel. Everyone is different. Just make sure yo hydrate!

    I’ve been following your blog for a while now and I love your enthusiasm and positivity towards running, food, and life. I just created one of my own. Check it out at 🙂

  13. movesnmunchies

    aHH YAY! you willl ROCK IT!! so happy for you!!!!!!!!… umm that smoothie looks AWESOME! you will need to give ME the tips for my half this fall!

  14. Woohoo you are gonna rock that half marathon! How awesome to run with your dad, it’s always nice to have that extra little boost with you.

  15. Liz

    Yay for moving your half marathon up! That is so exciting 🙂 The weather here is cold, gray and rainy 😦 I have the worst spring fever ever!

  16. Penny

    What a great accomplishment! However, I am slightly concerned about you running 10 miles AND doing abs and upper body lifting. Don’t wear out that awesome body of yours at such a young age! Just want to make sure your ok…

  17. It was -22C here this morning. Yea.

    I am jealous that Eeyore is looking at grass, not snow. It seems as though the springtime notice has passed my town.

  18. Taylor

    Hey Katelyn!
    Love your blog! I just started getting into long distant running and was wondering if you had any good advice for a the novice runner! I mean I’m not running 10 miles yet ( sooo awesome!!) I usually do 4.5 miles but would love to one day build up to long distant. Any advice for a newbie? Thanks girl!

  19. Julie H.

    Soooo windy, like 65 mph windy. I teach kiddos & love them truly…. But, I threatened to find huge balloon & tie one of my 2nd graders to it the other day. I love this kid and he would have enjoyed the flight! Hopefully spring will come soon!!! Good luck with your 1/2 you’ll kick some major bumm!

  20. moveovercelery

    Love love love avocadoes! Your drank looks deeeelish! Congrats about setting the date for your halfie in stone! I’ll be thinkin’ boutcha! 🙂

  21. G

    I just want to say that I LOVE your blog and I have been reading it for awhile. You inspired me to make my own blog ( and even though I’m not vegan, I have been making some of your recipes and they are delish! Made your katebars at home because we are avid larabar eaters and they were a huge crowd pleaser!! Keep it up!

  22. Kaila @healthyhelperblog!

    Omg Katelyn you never cease to amaze me! That is awesome and next week you are going to rock the halfie! It is so nice that you have someone in your life to run with…..I would love to have a running buddy to push me to my limits! I think it would make me such a better runner.
    Good luck girl! I will be there rootin’ for you in spirit!

  23. I’m running a half marathon that day too! So excited to hear about yours- I’ll be thinking of you!

  24. That is SO exciting!!! I will definitely be cheering you on girl! You will ROCK IT!! ❤

  25. Way to go! My whole family is Rochester so have a blast there!

    As for the crunching, I’ve tried to eat granola and apples in work meetings before… Not sure if it’s loud to anyone else, but it sounds to me like Chomping so the whole room can hear! lol

  26. Oh my gosh picturing you and your dad running together is melting my heart! I SO wish I could come cheer you on. Way to go rockin’ 10 miles. You are so frickin’ cute I can’t stand it!!

  27. clementine

    hey katelyn! i super love your blog 🙂 and good luck with your first half! i just started couch to 5k, so it will be a while before i can run a half, but that is my goal. do you think you could add an rss feed to your blog? that would be great thanks!

  28. SO EXCITING. you go, girlfriend! I’m so prouda you. Don’t you love when you kick booty and completely surprise yaself?

    P.S. I loved your comment relating to me about my sister’s cancer.. thank you, thank you, thank you. and I lova ya back. 🙂

  29. Nice job on the amazing run!!! That is awesome you are doing a half in TWO weeks!

  30. i’m going to have to hit up Lisa’s place for some good eats-did she open up a restaurant and not tell me?????

  31. AHHHH MAY 1st!!! I am THRILLED FOR YOU!!! Girl, you are so gorgeous! AMAZING RUN!

  32. Marie-Sophie

    😀 I wear earplugs when I study and sometimes when I feel hungry and just run into the kitchen without taking out my earplugs … well yeah, I can HEAR the lovely sound of chewing …
    Equally pretty is when you’re at the library, wearing earplugs and then try to drink. I always sound like a cow when I do that with earplugs in 😀

    On to more serious stuff: No tips from me for you as I’ve never run a half marathon. I would love to come and cheer but I live in Germany so it would be kind of difficult. But I’ll try and figure out what time it will be over here and then cheer from my desk 🙂

  33. Whatis the brand of the millet bread?

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