Daily Archives: February 20, 2011

It Snowed on my Cookie Dough + Raw Chocolate Fudge Cake!

Good morning friends!! How are you?

I hope your Sattyday was glorious🙂

Mine was spent eating everything in sight (I was so hungry, I swear to goodness it is ALWAYS my time of the month), watching Hulu, and gymming it up with a sweaty 60 minutes on the elliptical.

I was so sore from my run with the Padre! Running outside is NOT the same as running outside, especially when the wind is blowing so hard it is going up your nose sideways🙂

My Sattyday started with a glorious Cookie Dough Bowl, con a tablespoon of raw cacao, a teaspoon of acai, chia seeds, and flax meal..oh and tons of coconut, it was snowing outside (BOOOOO!), therefore it snowed on my cookie dough.

If I tried to Latin-ify that, it would go something like “It snowed outside, ergo my cookie dough was snowed upon.” <– See what I did there?? I am a genius I tell you, that whole year of Latin I took really did the trick:)


Have you ever had coconut on your morning cereal, it is so good, I think this is going to have to happen every single morning. Some of you may think I am crazy for being late on the coconut train, but I used to hate the stuff (do not ask me why, I could not tell you). This stuff is delicious.


SNOW:) Love it on my cookie dough, but I could do without it on my grassy green lawn that is now wet, brown, dead, and covered in slushy white “snow”. I am saying it as “snow” because Upstate New York weather means it is never fluffy snow, it is either slushy or frozen.

If any of you are interested in a tropical vacation where it is warm and sunny and there is sand, feel free to book plane tickets!!

Until then, I’ll be eating lots more of these:)



Delicious, nutritious. Gett @ m3 <— I was a gangsta rapper in a previous life


Raw Chocolate Fudge Cake:

And now the moment you have allll been waiting for!


Remember when I devoured my piece and the piece of the lady next to me?!

That was a good day🙂

Now, I have recreated that bad boy!

Feel free to drool, no shame here at CK.


It was perfect. Not to sweet, and very chocolatey. And fudgy wudgy, just the way I like it:)

I love it when the flavor of the cacao really stands out, and isn’t overpowered by sweetness!


On a Pooh plate, obvs. Gift from the ‘rents:)

Oh, wait, you wanted the recipe? My bad;)

Raw Chocolate Fudge Cake


  • 1 cup packed and pitted dates (I use Medjool)
  • 2/3 cup walnuts
  • 2/3 cup raw cacao powder (or unsweetened cocoa powder)


  1. In your food processor, process walnuts to a flour and then add dates.
  2. Process until dates have formed into a paste, and it all balls up in your food processor.
  3. Add cocoa powder and process until fully incorporated.
  4. Transfer to a container/small pie or cake pan (I used a round tupperware), flatten the top, and refrigerate overnight.
  5. Pop out, garnish, slice, and enjoy!!


Garnished with rasps and cacao nibs.



Next time I am going to use my Raw Chocolate Mousse as frosting. Which is going to be very soon, since more than half of it is already gone🙂

I would have done that this time (‘twas the plansky), but I got caught up in packing food for my trip to D.C. with the Padre! (ahhhh I am so excited!!)

You could also sub another nut for the walnuts. For a Chocolate Cookie Cake, sub cashews and add chocolate chips! I will be doing this for the Baby Sister’s birthday cake in May:)


I’m off to go have a slice of cake and finish packing! I am writing this Saturday night because Sunday morning will be busy busy!! I am hitting up the gym early in the morning with the Padre (boooo too cold to run outside!), then scarfing down breakfast and hitting the road!

As you read this I will either be shoving a Cookie Dough Bowl in my face or on the road on my way to D.C.! It is going to be a whole 70 DEGREES, I am so excited, I am going to wear shorts!! And FLIP FLOPS🙂 Guys this is a big deal, especially with the awful Upstate New York weather I deal with every single winter.

Send me some sunshine in a bottle? Please and thanks:)

Don’t forget to send in your Mission: I Feel Pretty pictures!

And, if you are in the D.C. area and would like to meet up, shoot me an e-mail! There are some D.C. bloggers that have expressed an interest already, so hopefully you could join us!:)

Have an awesome Sunday, love doves!! See you from D.C.!

Is it snowing where you are? If not, make me jealous of your sunshine!!

YES, do not remind me, if you send me some sunshine I will melt the snow here and love you forever:)

Do you like the co-co-nut? What is your favorite way to eat it? I need ideas!

So far, just on top of cookie dough, but I think I need to get creative:)

Are you a fellow fudge-lover? What’s your favorite fudgy dessert?

CAKE, and brownies!! And fudge, obviously. Can’t go wrong.




Filed under Gluten-Free, Recipes, Vegan, Workouts